Individual vs. Teamwork Training Module DOING IT TOGETHER? Individual vs. Teamwork This material has been produced within PAPYRUS project, co-funded by the British Council within ERASMUS+ Programme.
individual vs. teamwork Individual work Benefits Challenges Non-hectic work place Free-flowing work style Self-awareness Productivity Cast off “group think” and present unique solutions – innovators Limited ideas – no brainstorming Motivation No one to consult with…
individual vs. teamwork Benefits Challenges Fosters Creativity and Learning. Blends Complementary Strengths Builds Trust Teaches Conflict Resolution Skills Wider Sense of ownership Diversity Efficiency Networking opportunities Loss of efficiency Miss(sing)communication Lack of Diverse Skills and Interests Lack of Leadership Role Confusion Poor Work Environment
individual vs. teamwork Embracing both sides Teamwork + Individual work Luckily, the independent/teamwork debate isn’t black and white – savvy managers provide opportunities for their workers to enjoy both approaches. By understanding your colleagues’ individual strengths, weaknesses, and personality types, you can create optimal environments for worker satisfaction, productivity, efficiency, and innovation.
individual vs. teamwork Key teamwork skills INTERPERSONAL SELF Trust and acceptance Communication Collaborative problem solving Conflict resolution Goal setting Planning Task coordination Performance management
individual vs. teamwork Quick guide to easy teamwork Communication Working Agreement Meetings Project management Conflict Open What do we abide to together Held regular Consensus on goal Accept it! Supportive Roles of individuals/accountability Call by Work plan milestones, responsibility person and deadlines Strategies for resolution Active listening Expectations & Needs Limited in time Quality control: updating changes-monitoring & evaluation Early warning signs Interpret the unsaid Conflict resolution How decision are made Budget Give feedback Receive feedback Deadlines Minutes within 24h