Fig. 5. Onecut transcription factors are important for the correct generation of the mdDA neuronal population.(A) Schematic representation of the region analyzed for Th immunohistochemistry as shown in (B). Onecut transcription factors are important for the correct generation of the mdDA neuronal population.(A) Schematic representation of the region analyzed for Th immunohistochemistry as shown in (B). (B) Sagittal sections showing the organization of the mdDA neuronal population through the presence of Th protein. The arrow indicates a region where a severe flattening of the neuronal population is present in the Oc1−/− and Oc1/2−/− mice. (C) Coronal sections from rostral (R) to caudal (C) encompassing the mdDA neuronal population as shown by Th protein expression. The flattening of the mdDA neuronal pool as observed in the sagittal sections (B) is confirmed in these sections as indicated by arrows. Koushik Chakrabarty et al. Biology Open 2012;bio.20121230 © 2012. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd