AP ECONOMICS: February 8 Warm-up: If a country has a population of 225 million (25 million who are under 16), 135 million people with jobs, and 15 million people unemployed and seeking employment, then its labor force is: A. 335M B. 200M C. 155M D. 150M E. 135M Learning Target: In order to understand how to measure and evaluate economic performance, I will analyze the nuances of the unemployment rate. I will know it when I can: (1) define the unemployment rate; (2) calcu-late the labor force participation rate; (3) calculate the unemploy-ment rate; (4) list and explain the three types of unemployment; and (5) calculate the natural rate of unemployment (NRU). See Ch. 13 notes (HO from yesterday) --Worksheet 13.1 (HO) --practice MC questions (HO) Assignment: --practice MC questions Please make sure you have today’s HOs with you tomorrow All makeup work is due by mid-class tomorrow MCT #1 and FRQs #2 and #3 are Monday and Tuesday (FRQs #2 and #3 will cover GDP and unemployment)