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Presentation transcript:


What is MEDIA? Media is effectively anything used to store or transmit information or ideas Media can also be defined as the main means of mass communication (television, radio, and newspapers etc.) regarded collectively. Greek Origins Other political systems Advanced democracy eg USA Democratic systems – Political parties, levels of government – various functions Constitutional Democracy Rights relating to freedom of press

Types of MEDIA PRINT ELECTRONIC Newspapers Television Printed advertising (Billboards, flyers, brochures, posters etc.) Internet (Email, blogs, social networking sites etc.) Books Film Magazines Radio Greek Origins Other political systems Advanced democracy eg USA Democratic systems – Political parties, levels of government – various functions Constitutional Democracy Rights relating to freedom of press

Effect of MEDIA Media undoubtedly influences people’s THOUGHTS, FEELINGS and IDEAS Media not only conveys information but also shapes our understanding and interpretation of the information we receive The media has proven to be a particularly powerful influence over people’s thoughts about crucial ideas such as politics, religion, gender, race, self-image, normality and sexuality. Greek Origins Other political systems Advanced democracy eg USA Democratic systems – Political parties, levels of government – various functions Constitutional Democracy Rights relating to freedom of press

What is a DEMOCRACY? The prefix demos means PEOPLE. Democracy can be defined as a political system where the PEOPLE have power to elect leaders that will represent them and their beliefs, in the making of political decisions. Greek Origins Other political systems Advanced democracy eg USA Democratic systems – Political parties, levels of government – various functions Constitutional Democracy Rights relating to freedom of press

Origins & development of democracy Greek Origins Other political systems Advanced democracy eg USA Democratic systems – Political parties, levels of government – various functions Constitutional Democracy Rights relating to freedom of press

Origins & development of democracy The first known democracy was in Greece Here the elders of the city would gather at the Acropolis to vote on important matters Greek Origins Other political systems Advanced democracy eg USA Democratic systems – Political parties, levels of government – various functions Constitutional Democracy Rights relating to freedom of press

Origins & development of democracy Democracy has evolved since then and it now takes on different forms in different countries South Africa is a relatively young democracy whereas the USA’s democracy, for example is much older. Greek Origins Other political systems Advanced democracy eg USA Democratic systems – Political parties, levels of government – various functions Constitutional Democracy Rights relating to freedom of press

SOUTH AFRICA’S democracy FIRST DEMOCRATIC ELECTIONS in 1994 All citizens over 18 could vote for the first time (Even prisoners) The CONSTITUTION is the foundation of South Africa’s democracy. Greek Origins Other political systems Advanced democracy eg USA Democratic systems – Political parties, levels of government – various functions Constitutional Democracy Rights relating to freedom of press

SOUTH AFRICA’S democracy The CONSTITUTION outlines how South Africa’s democracy must operate: it confirms the rights of groups and individuals (including the right to vote), how government is structured, how parliament and various levels of government must operate and even describes the role of the president. Greek Origins Other political systems Advanced democracy eg USA Democratic systems – Political parties, levels of government – various functions Constitutional Democracy Rights relating to freedom of press

DEMOCRATIC principles TRANSPARENCYACCOUNTABILITYFREEDOM OF SPEECH SEPARATION OF POWERSREPRESENTATION Greek Origins Other political systems Advanced democracy eg USA Democratic systems – Political parties, levels of government – various functions Constitutional Democracy Rights relating to freedom of press

The role of MEDIA in a DEMOCRACY In a democratic society, the media have the responsibility ofpromoting democratic principlessuch as transparency, accountability and freedom of speech. Their role is toempower country’s citizensby keeping them constantly informed… Types of Media Then & now: Apartheid censorship Social Media & awareness of issues Protection of Information Act Media freedom Political satire: Zapiro

The role of MEDIA in a DEMOCRACY Keep citizens informed of: Current affairs(significant events, sport, business & economics, politics, crime etc.) Theirrights & responsibilitiesas citizens Information affecting their democratic decision making& public participation (such as political party policies and actions, corruption, mismanagement, fraud etc.) Types of Media Then & now: Apartheid censorship Social Media & awareness of issues Protection of Information Act Media freedom Political satire: Zapiro

The role of MEDIA in a DEMOCRACY The media should also create a platform for: Sharing ideas and opinions Discussion and debate around key issues Furthermore the media’s role is also to: Entertain and educatetheir audiences Promote nation building Encouragediversity of expression Types of Media Then & now: Apartheid censorship Social Media & awareness of issues Protection of Information Act Media freedom Political satire: Zapiro

The role of MEDIA in a DEMOCRACY The media should report in a manner that is: Objective, factual and unbiased The media must also: Consultmultiple sourcesto form an accurate and holistic picture of events Verifytheir sources Give political partiesequal coverage Act as awatchdog/whistle blower Prioritize theinterests of the public Types of Media Then & now: Apartheid censorship Social Media & awareness of issues Protection of Information Act Media freedom Political satire: Zapiro

The role of MEDIA in a DEMOCRACY However, we must not forget, that much of South Africa’s media is privately owned and whilst the media’s role is to provide aSERVICE to the people… the media’s actions are also driven by a strong PROFIT MOTIVE. Types of Media Then & now: Apartheid censorship Social Media & awareness of issues Protection of Information Act Media freedom Political satire: Zapiro

The role of MEDIA in a DEMOCRACY according to South Africa’s Constitution… Everyone has the right toaccess any information: held by the state held by another person that has to do with the protection of any rights Everyone, including the media, has the right toFreedom of Expression Types of Media Then & now: Apartheid censorship Social Media & awareness of issues Protection of Information Act Media freedom Political satire: Zapiro

(according to South Africa’s Bill of Rights) EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION WHICH INCLUDES: Freedom of thepressand other media Freedom to receive or impartinformation or ideas Freedom ofartistic creativity Academicfreedom and freedom ofscientific research Types of Media Then & now: Apartheid censorship Social Media & awareness of issues Protection of Information Act Media freedom Political satire: Zapiro

Freedom of Expression Propaganda for war THE RIGHT TO FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION DOES NOT EXTEND TO: Propaganda for war Incitement of imminentviolence Advocacy ofhatredbased on race, ethnicity, gender or religion Incitement to causeharm Types of Media Then & now: Apartheid censorship Social Media & awareness of issues Protection of Information Act Media freedom Political satire: Zapiro

Freedom of Expression Types of Media Then & now: Apartheid censorship Social Media & awareness of issues Protection of Information Act Media freedom Political satire: Zapiro

GOVERNMENT INTERFERENCE??? MEDIA BIAS GOVERNMENT INTERFERENCE??? Types of Media Then & now: Apartheid censorship Social Media & awareness of issues Protection of Information Act Media freedom Political satire: Zapiro

MEDIA BIAS Types of Media Then & now: Apartheid censorship Social Media & awareness of issues Protection of Information Act Media freedom Political satire: Zapiro

MEDIA BIAS - QUESTIONS Do you think the media in South Africa is able to freely provide information without government censorship? To what extent do you believe the media in South Africa is influenced or controlled by the government? How might the media convey biased ideas under the guise of objectivity? What effect might biased reporting have on South Africa’s democracy? Types of Media Then & now: Apartheid censorship Social Media & awareness of issues Protection of Information Act Media freedom Political satire: Zapiro

CENSORSHIP Types of Media Then & now: Apartheid censorship Social Media & awareness of issues Protection of Information Act Media freedom Political satire: Zapiro

Key issues for discussion MEDIA and DEMOCRACY: Key issues for discussion CENSORSHIP Types of Media Then & now: Apartheid censorship Social Media & awareness of issues Protection of Information Act Media freedom Political satire: Zapiro

CENSORSHIP - QUESTIONS Why might a government censor or control information that the public receive through the media? Are there any good or sound reasons for government to censor information available to the public? How might a government censor information without the public being made aware of this censorship? Types of Media Then & now: Apartheid censorship Social Media & awareness of issues Protection of Information Act Media freedom Political satire: Zapiro

PROPAGANDA Types of Media Then & now: Apartheid censorship Social Media & awareness of issues Protection of Information Act Media freedom Political satire: Zapiro

PROPAGANDA Types of Media Then & now: Apartheid censorship Social Media & awareness of issues Protection of Information Act Media freedom Political satire: Zapiro

PROPAGANDA - QUESTIONS What does South Africa’s Constitution say about propaganda? Does one find more examples of propaganda in print or electronic media? Why is this so? Should political parties be allowed to broadcast advertisements that attempt to win over voters? Could allowing political propaganda in the media be detrimental to a democracy in any way? Types of Media Then & now: Apartheid censorship Social Media & awareness of issues Protection of Information Act Media freedom Political satire: Zapiro

SENSATIONALISM Types of Media Then & now: Apartheid censorship Social Media & awareness of issues Protection of Information Act Media freedom Political satire: Zapiro

SENSATIONALISM Types of Media Then & now: Apartheid censorship Social Media & awareness of issues Protection of Information Act Media freedom Political satire: Zapiro

SENSATIONALISM - QUESTIONS What does South Africa’s Constitution say about sensationalism? Does one find more examples of sensationalism in print or electronic media? Why is this so? Are there consequences for the media if they are found guilty of sensational reporting? Could allowing sensationalism in the media be detrimental to a democracy in any way? Types of Media Then & now: Apartheid censorship Social Media & awareness of issues Protection of Information Act Media freedom Political satire: Zapiro

Key issues for discussion SOCIAL MEDIA IN A DEMOCRACY MEDIA and DEMOCRACY: Key issues for discussion SOCIAL MEDIA IN A DEMOCRACY Types of Media Then & now: Apartheid censorship Social Media & awareness of issues Protection of Information Act Media freedom Political satire: Zapiro

SOCIAL MEDIA- QUESTIONS How might the reality of social media affect the role of more traditional media in a democracy? Is social media subject to the Constitution? If so, how is this monitored? How might social media be used to promote public participation and further the advancement of democratic principles? Types of Media Then & now: Apartheid censorship Social Media & awareness of issues Protection of Information Act Media freedom Political satire: Zapiro

Key issues for discussion THREATENING PRESS FREEDOM MEDIA and DEMOCRACY: Key issues for discussion THREATENING PRESS FREEDOM Types of Media Then & now: Apartheid censorship Social Media & awareness of issues Protection of Information Act Media freedom Political satire: Zapiro

Key issues for discussion THREATENING PRESS FREEDOM MEDIA and DEMOCRACY: Key issues for discussion THREATENING PRESS FREEDOM Types of Media Then & now: Apartheid censorship Social Media & awareness of issues Protection of Information Act Media freedom Political satire: Zapiro

THREATENING PRESS FREEDOM - QUESTIONS Who defends the rights of the media in South Africa? What can be done in a democratic society when the rights to access information and freedom of expression are limited by legislation such as that of the Protection of State Information Act (commonly known as the Secrecy Bill)? How might limiting these rights in this manner affect: a) the media? b) our democracy? Types of Media Then & now: Apartheid censorship Social Media & awareness of issues Protection of Information Act Media freedom Political satire: Zapiro