Fig. 6. Schematic diagram showing distribution and dynamics of four E-cadherin populations within the ROI of a FRAP experiment. Schematic diagram showing distribution and dynamics of four E-cadherin populations within the ROI of a FRAP experiment. Non-adhesive immobile monomers (purple) are trapped through non-specific interaction with the cortical cytoskeleton. Non-adhesive mobile monomers (red) are able to move but do not bind to complexes. Adhesive immobile monomers (blue) remain stationary, possibly by virtue of being trapped within cis-strands. Adhesive mobile monomers (cyan) are in dynamic equilibrium with stationary complexes and alternate between transient binding and diffusion. Zahra Erami et al. Biology Open 2015;bio.014159 © 2015. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd