3rd Grade News! Ms. Thompson November 28th – December 2nd This Week’s Connect Schedule Mon: Guidance Tue: Computer Lab/Spanish Wed: P.E Thur: Library Fri: Computer Lab 3rd Grade News! November 28th – December 2nd Ms. Thompson What’s going on this week! Reading & Social Studies: We will begin our study of Christmas Around the World. As we learn about different holiday traditions will also focus on fables and folktales in various countries. Math: We will continue learning about multiplication properties (commutative, associative and distributive properties) Make sure you are studying your multiplication facts every night! Writing: We will continue our writer’s workshop and cursive writing practice! Reminders We will be celebrating Christmas Around the World until Christmas break. If you would like to donate any snacks or craft supplies to our activities, please let me know. Thank you! If you missed your scheduled conference time, I have reached out to you to reschedule. If you have not already met with me, it is very important that you schedule at time to meet. Thank you! Parents, if your child does not have earbuds for their laptop, please purchase some for them as soon as possible! These are required so that their work does not disturb others ($1-Dollar Tree is the best find) Upcoming Dates! Dec 1- Dan the Animal Man Animal Show (students that sold at least one box of donuts will attend) 1:00pm Dec 7th- Interims go home Dec 9th- Spelling Bee Dec 16th- Classroom Christmas Party! Any donations for snack/party items on this day would be greatly appreciated. I will not be sending home a sign up list, please feel free to donate whatever you would like. http://www.montgomery.k12.nc.us/Domain/1122