Neutrophil depletion ameliorates colitis in Cx3cr1cre:Il10rafl/fl BM chimeras. Neutrophil depletion ameliorates colitis in Cx3cr1cre:Il10rafl/fl BM chimeras. (A) Schematic of neutrophil depletion protocol. (B) Representative plots of flow cytometry analysis of the colonic lamina propria of [Cx3cr1cre:Il10rafl/fl > WT] BM chimeras treated with IgG control or anti-Ly6G antibody (left). Quantification of flow cytometry analysis (right). *P ≤ 0.05. (C) Representative immunofluorescence images of the colonic tissue of [Cx3cr1cre:Il10rafl/fl > WT] BM chimeras treated with IgG control or anti-Ly6G antibody. Scale bars, 50 µm. (D) qRT-PCR analysis of Nos2 expression in whole-tissue extracts of colons of indicated BM chimeric mice. (E and F) Volcano plot of statistical significance (log10P value) against log2 ratio of macrophages isolated from colonic tissue of [Cx3cr1cre:Il10rafl/fl > WT] BM chimeras treated with IgG control (F) or anti-Ly6G antibody (E) and [Il10rafl/fl > WT] BM chimeras, based on RNA-seq data. Significantly up- or down-regulated genes (fold change, >2; adj. P < 0.05) are in black, and relevant proinflammatory up-regulated genes are highlighted in red. Data in (A) to (D) are collected from two independent experiments, n ≥ 3 in each group. Biana Bernshtein et al. Sci. Immunol. 2019;4:eaau6571 Copyright © 2019 The Authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original U.S. Government Works