Spectroscopy of Gas Phase Palladium- and Platinum-Containing Radicals Leah O’Brien Department of Chemistry Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Platinum intermediates are important in many catalytic reactions, and this research provides insight into the electronic structure and bonding of Pt-ligand fragments. Using intracavity laser absorption spectroscopy, we have recorded a new near-infrared electronic transition of PtN, with a bandhead at 11737 cm-1. PtN has previously been observed only in the visible region]. Four branches have been identified in the new spectrum, and a portion of the new PtN spectrum is shown in the accompanying Figure. The quartet structure highlighted in the figure is a combination of isotope and nuclear hyperfine structure. The three major isotopes of platinum (194Pt, 195Pt, and 196Pt) have approximately the same abundance (~30% each) which would produce a triplet pattern in PtN, and 195Pt has a nuclear spin of I=1/2 which splits the central peak into two smaller peaks creating the symmetrical quartet pattern. Analysis of this new electronic transition is in progress.