Or… complain to the commissioner Complain to the provider Commissions Commissions 01527 482939 Complaints.RBCCG-WFCCG@nhs.net Patient Relations Team 01905 681517 www.hacw.nhs.uk PALS 0300 123 1733 www.worcsacute.nhs.uk Or… complain to the commissioner Complain to the provider Complain to the provider How can I complain about community or mental health services? How can I complain about acute hospital services? Who else can I talk to about local health and care services? How can I complain about GP services? Or… complain to the commissioner Complain to the provider GP Practice (via Practice Manager) 0300 311 2233 england.contactus@nhs.net 01386 550264 or www.healthwatchworcestershire.nhs.uk Commissions