Les Adjectifs Possessifs
Function: Possessive adjectives are words used in place of articles (un, une, le, les etc.) They indicate to whom something belongs (e.g my mother, your father, his sister, our brother etc.)
English Mas. Sing Fem. Sing Before a Vowel Plural my mon ma mes your ton ta tes his, hers, its son sa ses our notre nos your (pl) votre vos their leur leurs
The Vowel Rule When a feminine noun begins with a vowel (e.g. amie) the masculine possessive is used in order to avoid two vowels placed together (eg. ma amie)= (mon amie)
Pratique: Fill In the Blanks Noun My Your (Sing.) His, Hers, Its Our (pl) Their stylo (masc.) _____ montre (fem.) amie (vowel) frères (pl.)
Les différences entre l’anglais et le français In French, possession by a person is shown differently than English when we use a person’s name. Jean-Francois’s book. Le livre de Jean-Francois.
Hmmm … quelle est la règle? When we use the name of a person to show possession, in French the name of the person will always come after the object. Le stylo du professeur La téléphone de Maman Les cahiers des étudiants