Elements of a Shakespearean Comedy
Comedic Heroine A beautiful and engaging female character who brings a positive resolution to all conflicts
Outcast Character A person who is rejected or cast out, usually from home or society
Clever Servant A “jester” of sorts; one who is quick-witted and humorous who serves someone else
Change of Setting Movement from the normal world of conflict and trouble to a “greener” world
Musical Interludes Music inserted between or during scenes of the play
A Fish out of Water A person in an unfamiliar setting, or an event resulting from the unfamiliar setting
Puns Figure of speech involving a play on words (Joe refused to eat the sushi because it looked fishy.)
Wedding/Celebration at the Conclusion of the Play The final scene usually consists of the entire cast assembled on stage forming a new order that centers around a couple(s)
Deus Ex Machina (Latin for “god from the machine”) Divine or godly character suddenly introduced to resolve a situation or untangle a plot (Supernatural Help!)
More… A struggle of young lovers to overcome difficulty Separation and unification Mistaken identities Heightened tensions, often within a family Multiple, intertwining plots Physical humor - bawdiness, wit, etc…