Sharing women’s voices Improving services for women with learning disabilities. Rosie Smith – People First Michelle Steel – People First
Do you know the real numbers
8% of people with learning disabilities in Scotland live with their partner
(Source: SCLD Learning Disability Statistics Scotland report; 2015) The recorded figure is: 0.3% (Source: SCLD Learning Disability Statistics Scotland report; 2015)
5% of people with learning disabilities in Scotland live in NHS facilities or hospitals
(Source: SCLD Learning Disability Statistics Scotland report; 2015) The recorded figure is: 17% (Source: SCLD Learning Disability Statistics Scotland report; 2015)
of people with learning disabilities in Scotland 10% of people with learning disabilities in Scotland are in paid employment
(Source: SCLD Learning Disability Statistics Scotland report; 2015) The recorded figure is: 6% (Source: SCLD Learning Disability Statistics Scotland report; 2015)
21% of parents with learning disabilities in Scotland have their children removed
The estimated figure is between: 40 – 60% Wilson, S. et al. (2013) ‘A systematic review of interventions to promote social support and parenting skills in parents with an intellectual disability’ Child: Care, Health and Development, 40: 7-19
18% of people with learning disabilities in Scotland were enrolled in further education in 2015
The recorded figure is: 8%
In 2014 – 2015 there were 1,117 private Guardianship order applications for people with learning disabilities in Scotland and 23 were declined.
(Source: Mental Welfare Commission) Only 2 were declined! (Source: Mental Welfare Commission)
There were fewer disability hate crime reports in 2015- 16 than 2010-11.
(Source: Procurator Fiscal Office) Disability hate crime reports in Scotland were 4 times higher in 2015-16 than in 2011. (Source: Procurator Fiscal Office)
Nearly all people with learning disabilities have at some point been victims of abuse or harassment.
25% of all people with disabilities in the UK were not given any sex education.
Research indicates that nearly 50% of disabled people don’t or didn’t receive any sex education
Women’s voices
“We need to build up our confidence about relationships and for there to be higher expectations that people with learning difficulties will have relationships. After all it is our right.”
“We need to learn about sex and relationships and not be left out of stuff like this, which is what usually happens.”
“At school I was sexually abused and bullied “At school I was sexually abused and bullied. The teachers didn’t believe me when I told them about the bullying so I never said anything about the sexual abuse.”
What help might a woman with learning disabilities need from services?
Advice on prevention, protection and safety Information on support organisations Support to leave How to live safely How to get the abuser to leave Medical treatment Relationship advice Safe place to go Someone to talk to
Accessible Information Communicate in terms we can understand Take the time to listen Explain our options Help us make choices that will keep us safe
Some ideas from our members: Training for all the different services, like the Police and women’s organisations, so they understand our needs and issues. People with learning disabilities to be involved in training. Information about women’s organisations on DVD, Easy read and other accessible formats. Long term support, if needed, by a worker you have a relationship with. Outreach from women’s workers to groups of women with learning disabilities. Advocacy support to get to meetings with women’s organisations. Support in refuges by staff who understand learning disability. Supported decision making
Thank you for listening!