BWHS Key Club Meeting April 24, 2019
Key Club Pledge I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school, and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.
2019-2020 BWHS Key Club Officers President - Chris Winter Vice President - Claire Shur Secretary - Michael Winter Volunteer Coordinator - Zach Miller Membership Specialist - Katie Dorey Membership Specialist - Kelly Zhou
MEETINGS Keep in mind monthly meetings are mandatory. Members are only allowed 3 total absences from monthly meetings. Anyone who misses more will not be considered a Key Club member, no matter how many hours you complete. All monthly meeting dates for the 2018-2019 school year have been posted on our website, so make sure to write them down or add them to your calendar. Meetings start promptly at 8:30 AM, this means you should be checked in and sitting in your seat by 8:30 AM. We have 171 members this year, so please arrive early to ensure that you can be checked in and be in the auditorium by the time the meeting starts.
EVENTBRITE You must sign up for meetings using EventBrite. The link will be sent out via Remind before every meeting and is posted on our website. To sign up, click on the link, tap Register, then Checkout (it’s free). You will then have to enter your name and email then press Register. When you arrive at meetings you will then be checked in at the entrance.
HOURS April hours are due by this Friday, April 26th to Ms. Frank in Room 204 no later than 4:03 PM! Late hours will not be accepted. Hours must be completed on the hours form found on our website, and must be filled out completely. No emailed forms will be accepted. Any hours completed after this date can be turned in as May hours next month. Hours forms can only be turned in at the monthly meeting itself or until the Friday after the meeting to the box in Ms. Frank’s room. All hours on the website are up to date so check your hours to see where you stand.
HOURS REQUIREMENTS In-club hours are from any event posted on our website or sent out via Remind. Every member must earn at least 15 in-club hours for the year. Out of club hours are from any event that we do not mention. There is no minimum requirement for out of club hours. If you have any concerns as to if a certain event will count as out of club hours, please email us. Keep in mind any paid or mandatory work is not volunteering. Members must have a total of at least 40 hours by Friday, May 31st. There is no minimum monthly requirement for hours, and it is not required that you turn in hours every month.
Upcoming In Club Events
Keep Broadlands Beautiful Clean Up Volunteer at this clean up event on May 4th at 10 AM. For more details (such as the location) and to sign up please email
AVFRD Open House Volunteer at the AVFRD Open House on May 18th and 19th, to help with a variety of activities such as Face Painting, Clean Up, and Food Preparations.
Special Olympics Volunteer throughout the Spring season with Special Olympics to assist at weekly sports practices for the following sports: Bowling, Bocce, Tennis, and Softball
Health and Wellness Expo Volunteer at the Health and Wellness Expo on April 27th, at the Sterling Community Center. Help is needed with set up and cleaning and running the expo.
Special Olympics Swim Team Volunteers We are looking for volunteers ages 14 & up to assist at our weekly swim team practices during the spring season for both our competition and skills teams. Volunteers must be able to get in the water and assist swimmers throughout the practice as needed. Please register for all the dates that you are available to volunteer.
DogGone Natural Adoptions Help handle dogs at one of DogGone Natural’s weekly adoption events at their stores in Ashburn/Leesburg. Events are held every Sunday from 1 - 4 PM. You must be 16 or older to participate. More details about this event can be found on our website.
Loudoun Backpack Coalition Loudoun Backpack Coalition meets every Monday evening at 6 PM in Leesburg to pack food for LCPS students in need. No prior sign up is necessary for this event.
Lost Dog & Cat Rescue Foundation Lost Dog & Cat Rescue continues to hold weekly adoption events at various locations every weekend. See the schedule on our website for a complete listing of locations and times.
Good Shepherd Alliance This is another great opportunity for anyone in need of last minute hours. They are open from Monday - Saturday from 10 AM - 6 PM, and they are in need of volunteers to help sort and tag clothing and donations. More details about this event can be found on our website.
Event Proposals Do you have an idea for a project, or know of an organization in need of volunteers? If so, email/talk to us to let us know! We are always looking for new events and ideas, plus, helping to plan an event is a great way to prepare yourself if you want to hold a future leadership role.
MEETING DONATIONS This year, we will be collecting donations at our monthly meetings. Members can earn an in-club service hour for donating the requested item(s) during the meeting. Items we are collecting may vary by month, but information on whatever items we are collecting will be sent out before the meeting via Remind and posted on our website. This month we’re collecting items for the Chick-Fil-A Leadership Academy Service Project. Please place your donations in the boxes at the front of the auditorium at the end of the meeting.
Membership Certificates If you have completed at least 40 hours (15 of which must be In Club) and have met the attendance requirements (no more than 3 absences) you are eligible for a certificate indicating your Key Club membership. If you would like a membership certificate please email us by 4:03 PM on Friday, May 31 It must be picked up by 4:03 PM on Friday, June 7 from Ms. Frank or Mrs. Gross
Cords/Stoles For any senior interested in ordering cords and/or stoles for graduation, orders/payment are due by Friday, May 3 by 4:03 PM. Cords are $8 each and come in blue or white. Stoles are $22.50 each and come in blue or gold. Turn in your payment (cash or check payable to BWHS) to Ms. Frank or Mrs. Gross by the deadline. Make sure to specify if you are getting a cord or a stole (or both) and which color you want. We will send out a Remind when the items have been delivered, then you may pick up your order from Ms. Frank or Mrs. Gross.
BWHS KEY CLUB WEBSITE: Sign Up for Remind! Text @bwhskey to 81010, or enter the code in the Remind app Receive updates from the BWHS Key Club directly to your phone. This is our primary means of communicating with everyone! Please sign up! BWHS KEY CLUB WEBSITE:
General Reminders Check our website for more information and links to sign up for all the events discussed today. April Hours Deadline: Friday, April 26th, by 4:03 PM to Ms. Frank in Room 204 If you attend ACL and have not already spoken to us, please come to the front of the auditorium after the meeting. The LAST BWHS Key Club meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 29th (A-Day) at 8:30 AM in the BWHS auditorium. We hope to see you all there! ALL HOURS FOR THIS SCHOOL YEAR WILL BE DUE BY Friday, May 31st, by 4:03 PM. Any hours earned after this date (summer hours) can be turned in next school year. This presentation can be found under the “Meeting Notes” tab on our website