9th Annual Conference May 9-12, 2002 Asilomar, Pacific Groves


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Presentation transcript:

9th Annual Conference May 9-12, 2002 Asilomar, Pacific Groves

Collaboration and Partnership Yuhfen Diana Wu dwu@email.sjsu.edu

Academic Senate and Library Committee A policy formulating and recommending body to the President The Board has “mandated that the Academic Senate shall be the primary advisory body on the academic mission of the Library” I believe that all of you are aware of the role of Academic Senate, which is the governing body of the campus. It’s the advisory body for the president, who is responsible for the CSU trustees. There is no exception at SJSU, there are several policy committees under the Senate and Library Committee is one of them 7/12/2019 2002 CARL - Wu

University Library Board History: S81-5, S88-11, S91-4, F97-11, S98-13, S99-3, S99-5 Charges Membership Being the oldest campus among the CSU, of course , there is a long history about the library committee.The most recent one that I could find with written record was approved in 1981. There are many changes, amendments and modification along the line. In the past, it was a very loose organization. According to my colleagues who have been working at the University a lot longer than me, there were no regular meetings.Sometimes they only met 1 or twice during the school year. The Library Director would meet with the committee very casually and pretty much kept the committee informed on what’s going on at the Library. Of course there were no librarians sitting on the Committee. A major turning point occurred in 1997 when about 2000 volumes of history books were weeded out. On the eve when this big batch was about to be sent to dumpster for discard or recycling, a history faculty discovered it and brought to the attention of his department and of course the library director. It didn’t take much effort for the library to agree to re-instate this collection. The Senate was deeply concerned and voted to re-write the role of the Library Committee 7/12/2019 2002 CARL - Wu

University Library Board Charge: 1. Advises and assists the Library Director on matters concerning the academic role of the Library. 2. Serves as liaison between faculty and student and the library administration, faculty and staff There are 8 charges, but I only listed the 3 major ones particularly related to the review of collection. No. 1 (read from slide), no.2, and no.3 7/12/2019 2002 CARL - Wu

Charges (cont’d) 3. Recommends ways of assuring the stewarship of the Library’s various collections of materials 7/12/2019 2002 CARL - Wu

Membership Library Director as ex officio, Vice Chair of the Academic Senate, Three library faculty, One regular faculty member from each college, and School of Library and Information Science, Three students: President of AS, one undergraduate and one graduate Remember that there weren’t librarians sitting on the Library Committee, the membership under the revised policy: -- - PREZ of AS or his/her desingee 7/12/2019 2002 CARL - Wu

Primary Objectives The Library Collection Development Program’s primary objective is to acquire materials that are essential to the University’s academic programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels Each organization always has a mission statement and objectives and goals. In the document. It clearly states the mission and objectives of the the library collection: 7/12/2019 2002 CARL - Wu

Objectives (cont’d) Aware of the increasing diversity of the University’s students, faculty, and programs, the Library acquires multicultural materials and works which present a variety of viewpoints 7/12/2019 2002 CARL - Wu

Evaluation of the Print Collection In all cases, the primary goals are to improve the effectiveness of browsing and to provide space for new acquisitions. Collection evaluation is a responsibility of all librarians involved in collection development. and goals: Of course, the Government publication will follow the depository requirement. SJSU has a good size in this collection. 7/12/2019 2002 CARL - Wu

De-Selection I. Withdrawal of Duplicates with computerized identification of duplicate copies and circulation history requires a moderate level of selector review If you still remember the controversial weeding project that happened in 1997, here comes the most sensitive part: evaluation and de-selectionof the collection. It is well defined and classified in 3 main categories in this policy: 1) duplicates (this was done in summer of 2000. 7/12/2019 2002 CARL - Wu

II. Discontinued Programs Consult with his/her assigned faculties and other selectors Consult relevant departments and other University constituencies Historical research value Support of the informational needs of the community Retain at least a "basic information" level Consultation with other CSU institutions 2) DISCOUNTUNED PROGRAMS: BECAUSE the possible overlap with other programs or disciplines 7/12/2019 2002 CARL - Wu

Supporting Current Programs Disciplines: to protect collection integrity, to maintain curricular focus, and to provide support for research The 3rd category is the review of the collection that is supporting the current programs. Again, a program can be overlap with other program, selectors must consult with other selectors and faculty members from those overlap areas.l 7/12/2019 2002 CARL - Wu

Flowchart I am sure you all agree with me, although the budget for library collection has been declined n the last 5 years, space is always an issue, this is particularly true at SJSU. There were two libraries: Walquist and Clark. Walquist was the old building that’s been demolished and is the site for the New Joint Library; now the older materials are housed in a off-site facility. Since the JL is a very massive project, it’s time to review the existing collection: we only want to keep and move those that definitely need to be kept. The planning continued after the withdrawal of duplicates. First the library proposed to set up a profile for second phase evaluation of the collection, please refer to the form, which was approved by the Board, then refer to the flowchart. The dept can have the library liaison or the dept Chair or his/her designee to fill up the form. A computer printout will be generated according to criteria set for the by the academic dept. The list will then be sent to the dept, who can decide if they want to review the list or delegate the librarian to do the review. They can review from the list or from shelves, whichever is appropriate for them. 7/12/2019 2002 CARL - Wu

Required Procedures “All materials deemed discardable by selectors shall be listed by subject and copies of the entire list shall be sent to all departments on campus” F98-5 (http://www.sjsu.edu/senate/f98-5.htm) This statement is very important. The Library is very cautious in this very massive project. 7/12/2019 2002 CARL - Wu