North Staffs Lads n Dads Erlangen Trip June 2018 On the 29th June 2018, 15 Boys, 4 Coaches and Clive Dean of the North Staffs LadsanDads Association set off on a weekend trip to Erlangen, Germany Founded in 1967 by a Stoke Lord Mayor, the late Doug Brown, Staffordshire Ladsandads provide organised football for children across Stoke-on-Trent and surrounding areas.
Friday 29th June, we boarded a plane, for the first leg of our Journey
A coach, 3 trains and with the help of an odd taxi or willing local resident, we finally arrived at our destination some 14 hours later.
We even generated some support from the UK
We made it through to the Final where we played a team from Russia.
Having taken the lead and still 1:0 up at half time, a combination of the Hot Weather, a testing Semi Final and exhausting travel we eventually bowed out 1:2
After a little sightseeing in the nearby town of Bamberg….
…. we headed home with the runners-up trophy, heads held high …..we headed home with the runners-up trophy, heads held high. Now for the re-match….!