Expression of SvkA during development and induction of cytofission. Expression of SvkA during development and induction of cytofission. (A) Western blot with antibodies against SvkA showing the presence of the kinase throughout the 24 hours of wild-type development (2×105 cells per lane). (B) The knockout cells grown on a plastic surface were considerably larger than the wild-type cells and the rescue cells. (C,D) SvkA-knockout cells were shifted from HL-5 medium to low-salt phosphate buffer (PB) and observed for several hours. The large and multinucleated cells separated only partially. Arrows indicate persistent connections between cells. Bars, 50 μm (B,C); 10 μm (D); see also supplementary material Movie 1. Meino Rohlfs et al. J Cell Sci 2007;120:4345-4354 © The Company of Biologists Limited 2007