Parents Information Portal Sims Learning Gateway via the School Website
Parents’ access to Sims Learning Gateway via the DOYRMS website Please go to our School website:
Using the mouse click on the PARENTS tab Then enter your Username and Password
2. Then click on My Children Dashboard 1. When the page opens click on the Menu bars (top left of the web page). 2. Then click on My Children Dashboard
You should now see information about your son/daughter. This sections scrolls automatically showing behaviour points, attendance, and achievement points. Recent achievements are highlighted. Click on Student dashboard, View Reports and Homework for further information. Homework will show Prep set but does not show completion. All Prep has been completed unless your son/daughter receives a Prep Slip and negative points in the Behaviour section. 1 3 2
After selecting reports you should see this information on the Grading Sheet (KS4) or similar with RAG for KS3. DOYRMS predicted GCSE grade: At the end of Year 11. Attainment: Red (Below), Amber (On track) or Green (Above) demonstrating whether your son/daughter is on track to achieve their DOYRMS Year 11 GCSE target grade. Effort: Grade reflects your son/daughters effort for the Term. 1 2 3