Half-Term Homework 12/02/16 Over half term we would like the children to create a fact file of Earth, Space and Beyond. This can be in any format; a power-point presentation, a poster (A4/A3), a leaflet, a booklet or a mind map. This follows our Science planning for the second half term. This will then be shared during the first week back. Children can focus upon the planets, Tim Peak or anything matching the above topic. Half-Term Homework 12/02/16 Over half term we would like the children to create a fact file of Earth, Space and Beyond. This can be in any format; a power-point presentation, a poster (A4/A3), a leaflet, a booklet or a mind map. This follows our Science planning for the second half term. This will then be shared during the first week back. Children can focus upon the planets, Tim Peak or anything matching the above topic. Half-Term Homework 12/02/16 Over half term we would like the children to create a fact file of Earth, Space and Beyond. This can be in any format; a power-point presentation, a poster (A4/A3), a leaflet, a booklet or a mind map. This follows our Science planning for the second half term. This will then be shared during the first week back. Children can focus upon the planets, Tim Peak or anything matching the above topic. Half-Term Homework 12/02/16 Over half term we would like the children to create a fact file of Earth, Space and Beyond. This can be in any format; a power-point presentation, a poster (A4/A3), a leaflet, a booklet or a mind map. This follows our Science planning for the second half term. This will then be shared during the first week back. Children can focus upon the planets, Tim Peak or anything matching the above topic.