Scanning EM shows cilia abnormalities in the neural tube. Scanning EM shows cilia abnormalities in the neural tube. Scanning EM of an E10.5 embryo (A) was used to visualize cilia in the neuroepithelium. Magnified views (B–E) show cilia in the ventral groove (B,C) and lateral wall (D,E) of the hindbrain. Cilia in the ventral groove in control (ctrl) embryos were longer (2–3 μm; B, arrows) than those on the lateral wall (0.5–1.0 μm; D, arrows). In the Mks1-mutant (m/m) embryo (C,E), most cells showed only small globular protrusions (circles; see inset in C showing 200% enlargement of boxed region). Nevertheless, fewer cilia were observed in the mutant embryo (C, top-right arrow; E, top-right arrow) than in the control embryo (arrows in B,D). (D,E) Direction of arrows denotes orientation of cilia projection. Scale bars: 400 μm (A); 5 μm (B,C); 2 μm (D,E). Cheng Cui et al. Dis. Model. Mech. 2011;4:43-56 © 2011. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd