Collaborators: S. Sarkar, E.Oset and M. J. VicenteVacas Dynamically generated resonances from the vector octet-baryon decuplet interaction in the hidden gauge formalism Speaker: Bao-Xi Sun Institute of Theoretical Physics, Beijing University of Technology Collaborators: S. Sarkar, E.Oset and M. J. VicenteVacas 2009.4.20 Nstar2009(Beijing)
1. Formalism 2. Results 3. Radiative decay
Vector-vector Interaction
Interaction Vertex
Anomalous Term
Anomalous Term
Bethe-Salpeter Eqution
Vector meson – baryon loop function in the dimensional regularization scheme
Vector meson-baryon loop function accounting for the width of the intermediate states
Decay modes
S=-1,I=0 Channel
S=-1,I=0 Channel
Resonance for S=-1,I=1 channel
Radiative decay into γandΒD
Decay width for radiative decay
ρωφCouplings of resonances
Decay widths 0903.5138[hep-ph]
Conclusions Ten resonances in the different strangeness and isospin channels. Degenerate in JP=1/2-, 3/2-, 5/2-. Radiative widths are of the order of 1MeV. Radiative decay widths are different about one order of magnitude between the widths for different charge states of the same resonance.