2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Workshop to exchange views on possible elements to be considered in the future revision of the UNFCCC Guidelines for the preparation of National Communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention St. Mary’s, Antigua and Barbuda 21–23 March 2011 Kiyoto Tanabe NIES/CGER/GIO, CGE Member
Outline General improvements in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines as compared to the earlier guidelines Improvements in each volume of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines as compared to the earlier guidelines Supporting materials and follow-up guidance for the 2006 IPCC Guidelines
General improvements in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines as compared to the earlier guidelines
Evolution Guidelines have evolved from 1996 to 2006 Development of Good Practice Guidance (GPG) was a major step forward Complete, consistent, comparable, transparent, and accurate inventories taking account of available resources Major change was from 1996 LUCF to GPG LULUCF Currently, non-Annex I Parties Should use 1996GLs Encouraged to use GPGs
2006 IPCC Guidelines The same basic methodological approaches are used as those in the Revised 1996 Guidelines, GPG 2000 and GPG LULUCF. The methods of earlier guidelines are maintained with improvements. Similar resources can be used. Experiences with use of earlier guidelines can be utilized. GPGs are integrated. More and improved/updated default data are provided. Improved guidance is provided. Wider coverage of gases Additional guidance for more source categories Improved consistency with regard to indirect emissions of CO2 and N2O All estimates are now of actual annual emissions (“potential” emissions not needed) Categories simplified and clarified in some areas
Contents See Table 1 in “Overview” 2006 Guidelines Reporting Guidance & Reporting Tables Cross-cutting Issues Key Category Analysis QA/QC, etc. Vol.1 General Guidance and Reporting Vol.1 Reporting Instructions Sectoral Guidance Methodological Issues Worksheets Vol.2 Energy Vol.2 Workbook Revised 1996 Guidelines See Table 1 in “Overview” Vol.3 Industrial Processes and Product Use Vol.3 Reference Manual Vol.4 Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use GPG2000 Vol.5 Waste GPG-LULUCF
GPG and Sectoral Guidance Good Practice inventories are defined as “those that contain neither over- nor under-estimates so far as can be judged, and in which uncertainties are reduced as far as is practical” GPG retains consistency with Revised 1996 Guidelines and is updated and expanded in the 2006 Guidelines Approaches to Data Collection
Gases and Categories Wider coverage of gases Gases for which GWP values are available in the IPCC-TAR CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6 NF3, SF5CF3, Halogenated Ethers, etc. Gases for which GWP values are not available in the IPCC-TAR C7F16, C4F6, c-C4F8O, etc. Other gases (Precursors) 2006 Guidelines contain links to information on methods used under other agreements and conventions “New” guidance provided for various source categories
“New” Guidance in 2006 Guidelines
Direct & Indirect Emissions: CO2 and N2O Consistency is improved in 2006 Guidelines with regard to: CO2 resulting from emissions of other gases 2006GLs estimate carbon emissions in terms of the species which are emitted CO2 from atmospheric oxidation of non-CO2 species can be estimated additionally, if necessary Treatment of nitrogen (N) deposition Formerly only agricultural sources were covered 2006GLs cover all significant sources of N deposition, including agriculture, industrial and combustion sources
Direct & Indirect Emissions: CO2 and N2O 2006 Guidelines give methods to calculate this 2006 Guidelines “CO2 Emissions” do not include this automatically 2006 Guidelines “CO2 Emissions” 2006 Guidelines includes ALL NH3 & NOx Emissions
Estimation of Actual Annual Emissions In the 1996 Guidelines and Good Practice Guidance for a few sources, the simplest methodology estimates a “potential emission” rather than the actual annual emission. “Potential emission” assumes all the emissions from an activity occur in the current year, ignoring the fact they will occur over many years (e.g. methane emissions from waste in landfills occurs over decades as the decay processes take place). In the 2006 Guidelines, simple default methods estimate emissions when they occur, thus removing the need for potential emissions. The removal of potential emission estimates allows the emission reductions of abatement techniques to be properly estimated and ensures that the Tier 1 methods are compatible with higher tier methods. The areas where this occurred are: Emissions of fluorinated compounds (IPPU Sector) Emissions of methane from landfills (Waste Sector)
Improvements in each volume of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines as compared to the earlier guidelines
Vol 1: General Guidance and Reporting New chapter on introductory advice Overview of greenhouse gas inventories Steps needed to prepare an inventory for the first time Extended advice on data collection Systematic cross-cutting advice on data collection from existing sources and by new activities Key category analysis Better integrated across emission and removal categories
Vol 2: Energy Methods and categories largely unchanged Improved default emission factors for fossil fuel use based on survey of global data uncertainties derived from range of data Improved list of sub-categories to enable more transparent reporting Manufacturing Industries and Construction Road transport: Urea-based catalysts New guidance provided which was not included in earlier guidelines Methane from abandoned coal mines Emissions associated with CO2 Capture and Storage (CCS)
Vol 3: Industrial Processes and Product Use (IPPU) Combined two sectors in the 1996GLs Improved to explicitly include more manufacturing sectors and product uses identified as sources of GHGs, e.g.: Production of lead, zinc, titanium dioxide, petrochemicals, liquid crystal display (LCD), etc. SF6 and PFCs uses in military applications, accelerators, etc. New gases, actual emission estimates More detailed and clearer guidance on, e.g.,: Demarcation between Energy and IPPU Estimation and reporting of non-energy uses of fossil fuels Treatment of CO2 for later use and short-term storage
Vol 4: Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) Integrated two sectors (Agriculture and LULUCF) in the 1996GLs to remove inconsistencies and double counting issues Retain the structure of six land use categories of GPG- LULUCF Generic methods for estimating stock changes in C pools and non-CO2 emissions for all land use categories Latest scientific information taken into account: Better estimation methods Better and more default parameters Inclusion of additional categories
Mapping of AFOLU categories across IPCC Guidelines
Vol 5: Waste Improved accuracy: Updated methods and improved default values A simple first order decay (FOD) method for landfills is provided as a Tier 1 method. A simple spreadsheet model with step-by-step guidance and improved default data (IPCC Waste Model) is provided to enable all countries to implement the FOD method (as Tier 1 or higher). Further improved completeness Guidance is given on more sources Biological treatment of solid waste Open burning of waste Inclusion of methods to estimate N2O emissions Discharge of wastewater into waterways Advanced wastewater treatment plants
Supporting materials and follow-up guidance for the 2006 IPCC Guidelines
Support to users for better understanding of 2006 IPCC Guidelines Primer for 2006 IPCC Guidelines Available from TFI website (see below) Summary of the basic approach for inventory development and guidance on their use Easy to read – expected to serve as quick guidance on 2006 IPCC Guidelines FAQ (Answers to frequently asked questions) Developed and maintained by TSU in consultation with authors of 2006 IPCC Guidelines. http://www.ipcc-nggip.iges.or.jp/support/support.html http://www.ipcc-nggip.iges.or.jp/faq/faq.html
Support to users for inventory preparation following 2006 IPCC Guidelines Emission Factor Database (EFDB) Library of a wide range of well documented emission factors and other parameters to help users (inventory compilers) select those that best reflect their national circumstances Supplements all the IPCC Guidelines/GPGs Available through the internet and in the form of CDROM Efforts being continuously made to get a wider range of EFs (expert meetings for data collection, literature search, etc.) Open to relevant data proposals – New proposals welcomed!! New data will be evaluated for acceptance by EFDB Editorial Board. http://www.ipcc-nggip.iges.or.jp/EFDB/
Support to users for inventory preparation following 2006 IPCC Guidelines New software for 2006 Guidelines (under development) Aimed at users with limited resources As a training tool Display all the calculations – it is not a “black box” Facilitate preparation of national GHG inventories according to 2006GLs for complete inventories; or for separate categories or groups of categories Facilitate QC, Key Category Analysis, etc Harmonise reporting of greenhouse gas inventories Archive data (which may consist of estimates for a number of years) A demonstration version is now available at: http://www.ipcc-nggip.iges.or.jp/support/support.html
Snapshot image of the Software for 2006 IPCC Guidelines
More support and follow-up guidance being made available Guidance on AFOLU datasets for use in the IPCC Guidelines Outcome of IPCC-FAO-IFAD Expert Meeting (20-22 October 2009, Rome, Italy) Summary of information on FAO data (largely activity data) suitable for AFOLU sector estimates, e.g.;: Description of the information needed Description of where the data can be used in Guidelines Description of where the dataset can be obtained Comments describing the dataset and any limitations Methodological work to produce a supplement to the 2006 Guidelines for wetlands In response to invitation by SBSTA33 (December 2010) To be completed by SBSTA39 (December 2013)
Conclusions The 2006 IPCC Guidelines will help countries improve the quality of national GHG inventories. The best available scientific information for estimating and reporting GHG emissions and removals is represented. Improved methods More and improved/updated default data Additional guidance for more source categories Experiences and resources accumulated through inventory preparation based on earlier guidelines can be utilized when using the 2006 IPCC Guidelines. The methods of earlier guidelines are maintained with improvements. Good practice guidance is integrated. Users of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines can benefit from various supporting materials and follow-up guidance. Primer, FAQs, Software, EFDB, etc.
2006 IPCC Guidelines are available in 6 UN languages including English. For further information, please visit http://www.ipcc-nggip.iges.or.jp/