presented by Rubeta Andriani (MCC) Urgency of Village Boundary Setting/Resource Mapping, Village and Land Governance in Indonesia presented by Rubeta Andriani (MCC) Sigit Widodo, Akhmad Safik, Sofwan Hakim - MCA-Indonesia Rubeta Andriani, Kevin Barthel, Martin Hardiono – MCC Washington DC, Mar 20, 2018
Outline Introduction Key Elements of VBS/RM in Indonesia Methodology and approaches How VBS/RM supports improved Land Governance PLUP outputs Lesson Learnt and Smart Practices Conclusion
Introduction funded by the MCC, US$600M to GoI with $325M allocated for GP project VBS is part of PLUP project ($41.75M) under GP project with specific aim to: Enhance technical capacity of districts govt in spatial (land use) analysis, planning, land and natural resource permitting and licensing and enforcement; Identify and reduce land use and land tenure disputes as a means to improve the investment climate for renewable energy and natural resource management; Empower women and men of the communities, and potentially marginalized groups by providing spatial (locational) certainty; and Participatory determination, delineation and demarcation of administrative village boundaries. intends to combine community consultation, participatory approaches, and best practices developed from non-governmental experiences, with existing government regulations and technical specification and use modern geospatial technologies to develop sub-district and village level geo-spatial information databases of land information
Key Elements of MCA-PLUP VBS/RM in Indonesia Based on Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA) Regulation 45/2016, Village Boundary Delineation and Demarcation Team is the only team/committee responsible to carry out administrative village boundary setting activities. MCA-I introduces new approaches by combining state guidance (MOHA Regulation 45/2016) on village boundary setting activities, participatory approaches and international best practices in geospatial technology. Designed to achieve both government authority and social legitimacy/acceptance.
Methodology and approaches Goals of VBS/RM: to delineate and demarcate village boundary to develop offical administrative and legal village boundary map; To provide spatial certainty for future land-based investments and management at village level. Method and approaches – needed to answer the following questions how does the VBS/RM provide spatial certainty? what are the technical standard on how village boundaries are delineated and demarcated? how do the VBS/RM activities address and overcome village boundary disputes in order to delineate and demarcate village boundaries? what are the responses of community and local goverment toward the VBS/RM activities? what are potential impediments and challenges of VBS/RM impelementation?
VBS/RM locations
How VBS/RM supports improved land governance improved village administrative capacity in supporting national and regional policy on land use planning and land based investment. developed the basic ‘layer’ of geospatial data of Govt. of Indonesia’s One Map Policy that will strengthen the national, provincial, district and village governance in developing more participatory and transparent development. facilitated villagers in the identification and mapping of strategic natural and cultural resources which enhanced their understanding of their village and improved their sense of village ‘ownership/control’ and should encourage more participation in future village development. assigning geographic place names (toponymy), especially locally-used names, encourages a sense of ‘ownership/control’ of village resources. identified adjacent village boundary disputes and settled the disputes amicably through participatory approaches where villagers – supported by their village leaders – determined the best options to solve the dispute.
How VBS/RM supports improved land governance informed, trained, empowered potential new village leaders by involving more villagers in the project implementation and potential upcoming projects related to land resources, spatial planning and many social and cultural issues. could be used to harmonize the understanding of villagers and the forest authorities in managing many different issues pertaining to forest use and preservation and other related issues. facilitated meeting points between Local Government and Customary Group in managing social, economic, cultural issues related to land and land use. sets the officially recognized administrative village boundary map which as stipulated in the Govt. of Indonesia land administrative policy is the foundation of more accountable and reliable land administrative policy in Indonesia. facilitates allocation of the village funds by the Ministry of Villages
PLUP Outputs Indicator Actual to Date End of Compact Target % Complete To Date Number of village boundaries established 363 450 81% Number of district-level databases containing comprehensive information on land use, land cover, permits and licenses 40 45 89% Number of land issues identified 190 na Number of land issues identified (Village boundary disputes) Land area of villages delineated via VBS 1,450,105.81 1,654,539.80 88% Number of villages assisted in participatory village boundary setting and resource mapping Number of district-level inventories of land use, land cover, and permits and licenses inventories created Number of enhanced district-level spatial plans Stakeholders trained (govt, non govt, villagers) 4460 2,700 165% Number of districts that formally adopted guidelines for participatory village boundary setting 17 38%
Lesson learnt and smart practices Participatory approach is key factor for VBS/RM to be smoothly carried out in district and village level – including to resolve village boundary disputes. Establishment of Village Participatory Team is one of key factor in VBS/RM where the villagers are the main actor in village boundary decision making. Customary groups (leader) plays significant roles in deciding village boundary as well as boundary disputes. Establishment of new village is one of source of village boundary disputes. Village boundary map has created more confidence for villagers in their future investment. The district government has acknowledged VBS/RM as an effective and efficient method for resolving boundary disputes. MOHA requirement of 1:10,000 scale base maps, octhorectified satellite imagery and centimeter accuracy of boundary pillars are significant technical-based time and cost challenges for expanding VBS/RM implementation.
Conclusion MCA-PLUP developed VBS/RM is and technically accepted and participatory way to map and legally determine village administrative boundaries – it was not intended for determination of ownership, concession, permits or any other property title/registration. VBS/RM can provide spatial certainty for future investments. Village leaders and customary groups (leader) play significant roles in deciding village boundary as well as resolving boundary disputes. Newly ‘declared’ villages are a significant source of dispute: (1) there is no accurate or accepted boundary map; (2) villagers are not fully involved in deciding the ‘declaration’ of the village; (3) the ‘declaration’ is often not consulted with neighboring villages. Requirement of base maps and octhorectified satellite imagery are one of technical challenges for VBS/RM impementation Recommendations to MOHA on modifications to VBS regulations based on results and lessons
TERIMA KASIH THANK YOU Disclaimer All figures, numbers and dates stated in our presentation are tentative, subject to change, based on our best efforts and subject to the timely action by the pertinent local government. Any requirement stated in our presentation may change from time to time as determined by MCA-Indonesia and/or MCC and is subject to the applicable laws and regulations of the Republic of Indonesia.