WHAT LIES BENEATH Understanding Planned Parenthood
PLANNED PARENTHOOD HISTORY Founded as single birth control clinic in 1916 by Margaret Sanger Initial focus was birth control Changed name to Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) in 1942 Opened first abortion clinic in Syracuse, New York in 1970
Largest provider of abortion in America today.
MARGARET SANGER Born Margaret Higgins in New York Lived 1879-1966 Focused on birth control and sexual liberation Supported eugenics Was Sanger racist? Does Planned Parenthood own up to its own parentage?
PPFA NUMBERS 332,757 abortions performed in 2017, up from 165,174 in 1997 2,831 adoption referrals in 2017, down from 9,381 in 1997 Performs 118 abortions for every adoption referral More than 600 health centers in U.S.
Your financial support of PPFA
FINANCIAL SUPPORT More than 1.66 billion dollars of revenue in 2017-2018 Received more than $563 million from taxpayers in 2017-2018 “Excess of revenue over expenses” (profit) of $220.8 million in 2017-2018 $45 million spent on “public policy” in 2017-2018
PPFA‘s ABORTION ADVOCACY Active lobbying at local, state and federal level Opposes laws that regulate abortion clinics, informed consent provisions, parental consent for minors seeking abortions, partial-birth abortion bans, sex-selection abortion bans and laws protecting the conscience rights of health care workers Supports taxpayer-funded abortions
MAJORING IN MINORITIES Eugenic legacy Minorities are 36% of U.S. population but have 64% of abortions (Guttmacher Institute)
PPFA explicitly identified core clients as: “young women, low income women, and women of color” (Plan of Action, 1997)
MISGUIDING TEENS www.plannedparenthood.org/teens Schools and community organizations “The program reaches out through more than 150 local community partners that do not traditionally work with Planned Parenthood, including public libraries, prominent medical institutions, and faith organizations.” (Annual Report 2007-2008) Undercover exposé of attitude towards rape www.liveaction.org
ACTIVE IN RELIGIOUS COMMUNITIES Clergy for Choice & Pro Choice Religious Network, consists of religious leaders and ministers Counseling women and supporting abortions Supports partial-birth abortions Opposes conscience clauses, parental notification laws and “'so-called” Crisis Pregnancy Centers”
SELLING BABY BODY PARTS Has sold organs and tissues from aborted babies to researchers or tissue procurement companies Callous disrespect for women and the value of human life "It should bother us as a society that we have use for aborted human organs, but not the baby that provides them."
PPFA IN MICHIGAN 20 offices across the state Used to be two affiliates: Planned Parenthood of West and Northern Michigan Planned Parenthood Mid and South Michigan Now Planned Parenthood of Michigan Ann Arbor, Flint, and Kalamazoo clinics perform surgical and medical abortions. Detroit, Grand Rapids, Lansing, Marquette, Ferndale and Traverse City clinics perform only medical abortions and the rest refer to other abortion clinics.
What can I do? Educate, Educate, Educate Think globally, act locally Right to Life of Michigan's handout with strategies for opposing local Planned Parenthood centers
AVAILABLE MATERIALS “Getting Planned Parenthood out of Michigan!” - plan for helping groups to end Planned Parenthood's influence “Providing & Promoting Abortion” flyer Other prolife brochures, research and materials List of RLM Educational Resource Centers at www.RTL.org
ADDITIONAL READING Bad Choices, by Douglas R. Scott Blessed are the Barren, by Robert Marshall and Charles Donovan Grand Illusions, by George Grant Margaret Sanger's Eugenic Legacy, by Angela Franks Unplanned, by Abby Johnson
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