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Sustainable Network Model: Learning from Successful Network Models FORHP Rural Health Network Development Planning Webinar April 17, 2019
We Believe… The most effective way to promote SUSTAINABLE NETWORKS during the planning phase is to support: - - Your selection of HIGH-LEVERAGE SHORT-TERM STRATEGIES that will demonstrate value; and - - The development of your ADAPTIVE CAPACITY
Goals for this Session Refresh on the attributes of networks with strong “Core” Hear Network stories from the field that demonstrate the importance of a strong “Core” for sustainability and adaptation Engage with peers to process insights and share experiences Access and share exercises/resources that build “Core” These goals are intended to reinforce a foundation of concepts to support successful completion of the Strategic Planning.
Sustainable Network Model ©2016 Anderson Smith Consulting, LLC Scanning Sensemaking Adding Value Leveraging
What are the practical implications for your network? Key Attributes Relationships Vision and Charter Mutual Trust Agreement and Alignment Able to have difficult conversations One voice Have each others’ back Not project-focused Partners and Participants Safe environment for risk taking Authority Front-line perspective Transparency Perspectives Confidentiality Resources Culture of Innovation Knowledge Assumes change is inevitable Styles Leadership Structure Part of the organizational DNA Distributed Shared Value learning together “Deep and wide” involvement and accountability Willingness to try new things What are the practical implications for your network? Network “Core”
Insights from Sustained Networks I would like to introduce now our two featured network directors, who will share with us their important leadership stories. Joining us are Donna Dittman Hale, Executive Director of the Bay Rivers Telehealth Alliance in Virginia and Simone Rueschemeyer, Executive Director of the Vermont Care Network. Donna … Simone … Welcome Donna and Simone. Thank you for your offer to join with us all today. The first question I would like to pose to each of you is What is your network’s origin story, in a thumbnail. - Location - when established - genesis for creation - mission Leave this slide up while they tell their initial network stories origin, time in existence Mission Major points in their evolution Facilitate a Q and A session with guest speaker. Donna Dittman Hale Executive Director Bay Rivers Telehealth Alliance www.bayriverstelehealth.org Simone Rueschemeyer Executive Director Vermont Care Network www.vermontcarepartners.org
What resonated with you? Key Attributes Relationships Vision and Charter Mutual Trust Agreement and Alignment Able to have difficult conversations One voice Have each others’ back Not project-focused Partners and Participants Safe environment for risk taking Authority Front-line perspective Transparency Perspectives Confidentiality Resources Culture of Innovation Knowledge Assumes change is inevitable Styles Leadership Structure Part of the organizational DNA Distributed Shared Value learning together “Deep and wide” involvement and accountability Willingness to try new things What resonated with you? Shape Tool
Questions and Insights Share via the chat function or request to ask a question on the phone line. Questions and Insights
Adaptive Strength-building Resources and Tools Scanning and Sensemaking Unstuck! Glenda Eoyang at Tedx featuring The What? So What? Now What? Framework https://youtu.be/Ja_O7u1R_Nc Rural Health Information Hub: https://ruralhealthinfo.org National Rural Health Association: https://www.ruralhealthweb.org/ State Offices of Rural Health: https://nosorh.org/ Rural Health Research Gateway: https://www.ruralhealthresearch.org/centers Trade Association Websites Leveraging How Wolves Change Rivers (on You Tube) https://youtu.be/ysa5OBhXz-Q Network Core - Culture of Experimentation and Innovation Fast Solutions for a Brighter Future, Tom Chi https://youtu.be/DkyMCCnNI3Q IDEO Mindsets and Design Kit: www.designkit.org/mindsets What’s the BIG IDEA? Adaptive Action, Leveraging Uncertainty in Your Organization , Glenda Eoyang (2013) The Lean Startup, Eric Ries (2011) The Practice of Adaptive Leadership, Tools and Tactics for Changing your Organization and the World, Ronal Heifetz, et al (2009) Conversational Capacity: The Secret to Building Successful Team that Perform when the pressure is on, Craig Weber (2013) Other Network Examples Tim Size, Rural Wisconsin Health Cooperative in existence since 1979 https://www.ruralhealthinfo.org/rural-monitor/an-interview-with-tim-size And website – rwhc.com
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