2019-2020 AHS Rising Sophomore Pre-Registration
EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Athletics Band Choir MultiMedia Teams
INOW Login If you do not have your INOW Login information, please see Mrs. Duckett in the Freshman Academy office. You and your parent will need your INOW Login to view the requests in the INOW Home portal (not your schedule). June 14 Students and parents will be able to view requests in INOW Home portal. June 17-21 Students and parents may contact guidance office to discuss any concerns about requests viewed from INOW Home portal. THIS WILL BE YOUR ONLY OPPORTUNITY TO CHANGE YOUR SCHEDULE! June 24 Requests in INOW Home will be closed for viewing.
ACADEMICS English and History Based on eligibility, you will be placed in core academic subjects. English - English 10 - PreAP English 10 History - US History to 1877 - PreAP US History
ACADEMICS Math and Science Math - Geometry with Stats - PreAP Geometry with Stats - Algebra II with Trigonometry - PreAP Algebra II with Trigonometry Science - Physical Science - PreAP Chemistry
REQUIRED ELECTIVES Health Education - Health - .5 Credits (1 Semester) Choose one of the following to complete year: - Driver’s Education (must have driver’s permit) - Current Events - LIFE PE
ELECTIVES COURSES ELECTIVE SCIENCE -AP Biology (Must take PreAP Chemistry for core science) FOREIGN LANGUAGE - Spanish I
FINE ARTS CHOIR – (see Mrs. Grauberger) - Serendipity (Girls Choir) - VocalEase - CenterStage Show Choir - CenSations - Choir Stage Crew – elective credit - Music Theory – (.5 credit) - Choral Assistant – no credit BAND – (see Mr. Lindley) - Brass Quintet - Jazz Band - Symphonic Band - Percussion - Wind Ensemble - Concert Band ART (Application process – see Ms. Frazier) - Art I (9th and 10th grades) - Art II (10th grade) - Art III - Art IV (Portfolio Prep)
Marshall County Career Tech Center (Applications can be picked up in Guidance Office.) Collision Technology Automotive Service Building Construction Robotics/Mechatronics Welding Technology Applications are due back to the guidance office on February 8th.
AHS CAREER & TECHNICAL DEPARTMENT Sports Medicine Healthcare Agriscience Business Technology Education Hospitality and Tourism
SPORTS MEDICINE PREREQUISITE Foundation Course - Foundations of Health Science COURSES Sports Medicine Intermediate Sports Medicine Advanced
HEALTHCARE PREREQUISITE Foundation Course - Foundation of Health Science *Does NOT count as .5 Health Education requirement for graduation. COURSES - Human Body Structures/Functions - Introduction to Pharmacy - Health Science Internship (Seniors only)
AGRISCIENCE PREREQUISITE Foundation Course - Agriscience (9th only) COURSES - Construction Finishing (19-20) - Construction Framing (18-19) - Intro to Metal Fabrication (welding) - Intro to MIG Welding (prerequisite – Fabrication) - Intro to Vet Science - Poultry Science - Veterinary Science (prerequisite – Intro Vet Sci.) - Landscape Design & Management - Greenhouse Production & Management - Fish & Wildlife Mgmt. (full year) - Sr. Career Pathway Project: Agriculture (teacher approval)
BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION PREREQUISITE Foundation Course - Business Technical Application, ADVANCED COURSES - Multimedia Design - Multimedia Publications - Information Tech Fundamentals (NEW) - Sports & Entertainment Marketing Fundamentals - Buying and Merchandising - Business Finance - AGGIE Vision (teacher approved) - AGGIE Advocate (teacher approved) (see Mrs. Aycock) Junior and Seniors - Coop Ed. Seminar – 4 periods - Coop Ed. Seminar – 3 periods - Coop Ed. Seminar – 2 periods - Coop Ed. Seminar – 1 period
HOSPITALITY & TOURISM PREREQUISITE Foundation Course - Hospitality & Tourism COURSES - Event Planning - Event Planning Senior Project - Event Planning Lab Tech - no credit - Culinary I - Culinary II - Culinary Senior Project - Culinary Arts Lab Tech – no credit (See Mrs. Bolding for an application)
CREDENTIALING COLLEGE AND CAREER READINESS ACT test: Reading (22), Math (22), English (18), OR Science (23) AP exam: Qualifying score (3+) Approved transcript college or postsecondary credit while in high school ACT WorkKeys: Minimum Silver Certificate Approved industry credential (i.e., ServSafe, NCCER, business must pass at least two MOS suites) Military enlistment
CAREER READY Career readiness involves three major skill areas: Core academic skills and the ability to apply those skills to concrete situations in order to function in the workplace and in routine daily activities; Em-ployability skills (such as critical thinking and responsibility) that are essential in any career area; and Technical, job-specific skills related to a specific career pathway. These skills have been emphasized across numerous pieces of research and allow students to enter true career pathways that offer family-sustaining wages and opportunities for advancement.
AP and PreAP GUIDELINES The Advanced Placement Course requirements are included in your registration packet. Please refer to the packet located in your Counseling Google Classroom and the AHS website.
2019-20 Registration Information Located online: 1. AHS website 2. Counseling Google Classroom Sophomore Class code: ry2web Registration Materials: - Registration Packet - Course Description Guide - Course Offerings - 10th Grade Registration Form
Dual Enrollment for Sophomores Spanish I and II (online only) HIS201 (online only) Counts as US History I (10th Grade History) Must meet SSCC requirements and deadlines which will be included in preregistration packet.
SSCC Dual Enrollment Campaign As part of the Dual Enrollment Campaign, the guidance department will be offering two Parent Q&A sessions and two student registration sessions. Please make plans to attend if you are interested in taking DE classes! - SSCC Dual Enrollment Parent Q&A Sessions Thursday, January 24th in South Hall 11:00-12:00PM and 6:00-7:00PM - SSCC Dual Enrollment Registration for Students - TBA
Important Dates Dual Enrollment Orientations - TBA - completing online application and paperwork March 1 – FINAL Deadline to submit DE paperwork June 17-21 – “Academic Advisement” conference date for sophomores to contest core courses (only time schedule requests can be changed) 1. Meeting conference 2. Per phone conference August 2 – Schedule Pick-up Date (Auxiliary Gym)
Locating Registration Packet Information Packets can also be accessed online in Google Classroom and AHS website. Access your Google “Freshman Aggies – Class of 2022” Classroom account www.albertk12.org
Registration Form DEADLINE! February 8, 2019 to English Teacher
No summer school on Fridays! Session 1: June 3 – June 27, 2019 Session 2: July 8 – July 18, 2019 First Block: 7:45 until 9:35AM Second Block: 9:50 until 11:30AM - Minimum grade of a 40 average to be eligible. - Cost - $25.00 per course No summer school on Fridays!
CONTACT INFORMATION Rhonda Gibbs 10th Grade Counselor Phone (256) 894-5006 rgibbs@albertk12.org
Thank you! Looking forward to working with you at Albertville High School!