CAJ project updates 2019 CEAL ERMB cooperative cataloging for e-resources project: updates TJ Kao Interim Resource Description Coordinator George Washington University
Background Scope: China Academic Journals Full-text Database (中国期刊全文数据库) Timeline: December 2015: Connie Lam (University of Hong Kong) shared a spreadsheet of OCLC records numbers End of 2016, Bie-Hwa Ma (UCSD) trained a studeent assistant to search all these records on OCLC and insert native URLs as well as holdings from Connie’s speadsheet June 2017: Sarah Elman (Columbia) loaded all MARC records for quality control April 2018: TJ Kao (GW) began converting MARC records to OCLC Kbart files July 2018: 10 collections were created and available on OCLC WMS Collection Manager Summer of 2017: All MARC records were distrbitued to participating libraries OCLC rep: Izumi Sakaguchi who left OCLC on July 20th, 2018
Numbers of records for each series
Members Columbia University George Washington University (co-lead) Stanford University University of California, San Diego University of Hong Kong University of Maryland (co-lead) University of Michigan University of Washington
Next step Continue reviewing records already loaded for quality improvement Gather records beyond the first batch (titles added to CAJ after January 2016) Share workflow and get members familiarize with it Split cataloging work if necessary
How to find these collections? Log into OCLC WorldShare Management Services Find Metadata -- Collection Manager Search by collection, title or provider keyword Examples: Collection: CAJ, China academic journals, china caj, caj series f Title: shi ji xing, 世纪行, dong ya zhi chuang, 213342379 Provider: CNKI, Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure
What to do once you find these collections? Holdings and MARC records Set holdings Export to Google Scholar Set MARC record delivery
What to do once you find these collections? (cont.) Titles Download KBART files Upload KBART files Modify a record, such as associated OCLC numbers, ISSN, URL, coverage Delete a title
Resources MarcEdit Kbart plugin (accessed March 6, 2019) OCLC WorldShare Collection Training Webinar on January 31, 2017 (accessed March 6, 2019) OCLC WorldShare Collection Manager documentation (accessed March 6, 2019) For more information, please contact TJ Kao (
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