The Mentoring Mobility Portal Martin Röbke, Nolte Kommunikation Arne Borchert, Agentur fipps
Central communication tool
Mobility Mentoring Portal Key Features No login needed No account needed Saving privacy Responsive design Multi languages Easy to use
Assigning mentor
Mobility Mentoring Portal How It Works Central information platform Database of mentors Contact form for mentees Identification of suitable mentor according to the contact information of the mentee Automatical connection between mentees and mentors Central adminstration of the 1st communication between mentee and mentor Administrator can intervene, if the mentor don‘t answer
Multilingualism (still to be programmed)
Responsive design
Contact form
Contact form (selection language mentee – all EU and EFTA-languages possible)
Contact form (selection origin mentee – all EU countries possible)
Mail to mentor
Response form mentor
Response form mentor
Response form mentor (individual contact information)
Backend database mentee
Backend database mentee
Backend database mentor
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