Key features of bed bugs and related cimicids. Key features of bed bugs and related cimicids. (A) Haematosiphon inodora (venter). (B) Cimex sp. (venter). (C) Oeciacus vicarius (antenna). (D) Cimex sp. (antenna). (E) Bat bug (Cimex sp.) (arrows show the relative length of pronotal setae to the width of the eye, head, and pronotum). (F) C. hemipterus (head and pronotum) (arrow shows the degree of concavity with the anterior margin of the pronotum). (G) C. lectularius (head and pronotum) (the arrow shows the degree of concavity of the anterior margin of the pronotum). (Adapted from reference 67.) Blaine A. Mathison, and Bobbi S. Pritt Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 2014; doi:10.1128/CMR.00008-13