Effect of changes in aerial O2 partial pressure (PO2,air) on (A) air-breathing frequency (fab), (B) O2 consumption rate (V̇O2; total,• ; aquatic, ○; aerial, ♦) and (C) mean O2 uptake per breath (VO2/breath) of Trichogaster leeri. Effect of changes in aerial O2 partial pressure (PO2,air) on (A) air-breathing frequency (fab), (B) O2 consumption rate (V̇O2; total,• ; aquatic, ○; aerial, ♦) and (C) mean O2 uptake per breath (VO2/breath) of Trichogaster leeri. (For fab, total V̇O2, aerial V̇O2 and VO2/breath, N=3 for 5 kPa treatment as individual breaths were invisible on the others and N=7 for remaining treatments; for aquatic V̇O2 N=7 for all treatments.) Equations of regression lines: (A) fab=65.8–30.3log(PO2,air); (B) log(aquatic V̇O2)=2.16–0.18log(PO2,air); log(aerial V̇O2)=1.04+0.413log(PO2,air); (C) log(VO2/breath)=– 1.01+0.98log(PO2,air). Treatments not denoted by the same letter are significantly different (in B, a–c denote aerial V̇O2, d,e denote aquatic V̇O2). Measurements were made at 5, 10, 21, 40 and 60 kPa; some symbols are offset for presentation. All data are shown as means ± s.e.m. Lesley A. Alton et al. J Exp Biol 2007;210:2311-2319 © The Company of Biologists Limited 2007