Croeso i Flwyddyn 4 Welcome to Year 4.


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Presentation transcript:

Croeso i Flwyddyn 4 Welcome to Year 4

Gweithgaredd/Activitie Amserlen y dydd Amser/ Times Gweithgaredd/Activitie 8:55 Rhesi / Cofrestru / Line-up / Register 9:00 Mathemateg / Mathematics 10:05 Amser Gwasanaeth/ R-Time / Assembly/ R-Time 10:20 Amser Chwarae / Playtime 10:40 30 munud Darllen / 30 minute reading session 11:10 Iaith / Language 12:15 Amser Cinio / Lunchtime 1:15 Cyd-destun dysgu / Learning context 2:20 2:30 Cyd-destun dysgu / Learning Context 3:30 Amser mynd adref / Home time Timetable

CLIC – Rhifau Rhagorol CLIC – Big Maths C – Counting L – Learn its I – It’s nothing new C - Calculation 20 munud ar ddechrau pob gwers Mathemateg. Dydd Gwener bydd profion (Ewch Amdani/Dewch i Ddatrys) yn digwydd er mwyn tracio cynnydd y disgyblion/ 20 minute session at the start of every Maths lesson. Every Friday they will have a (Ewch Amdani/Dewch i Ddatrys) test to track their progress. CLIC – Big Maths

Gweithgaredd / Activitie Gwasanaethau Dydd / Day Gweithgaredd / Activitie Llun / Monday Ysgol Gyfan / Whole School Mawrth / Tuesday Dosbarth / Class - R Time Mercher / Wednesday Iau / Thursday Cyfnod Allweddol 2/Key Stage 2 Gwener / Friday Dathlu Dysgu Assemblies

Gweithgaredd/Activitie Darllen 30 munud pob dydd ac mae’r grwpiau’n cylchdroi’n ddyddiol / 30minutes each day and the activities rotate each day. Grwp/ Group Gweithgaredd/Activitie Coch Darllen gyda Mrs Pritchard / Reading with Mrs Pritchard Melyn Cornel ddarllen/ Reading Corner Glas Ymarfer Llawysgrifen/ Handwriting skills Porffor Darllen Cylchgronau / Reading Newspapers Oren Darllen grwp/ Group reading Pwysig! Mae’n hollbwysig bod pob plentyn yn darllen adref pob nos / It is important that the pupils read at home every night. Reading

Gweithgaredd/Activitie Iaith Dydd / Day Gweithgaredd/Activitie Llun / Monday Sesiwn ail ymweld/ Ail ddrafftio / Revisit session/ Re-draft. Mawrth / Tuesday Cyfnlwyno genre newydd / Introducing new genre Mercher / Wednesday Sgil / Skill Iau / Thursday Gwener / Friday Sesiwn ysgrifennu estynedig / Extended writing session. Language

Cyd-destunau Dysgu Learning Context 1. Esgyrn Gwaed a Darnau Gwaedlyd Blood Guts and Gory Bits 2. Robotiaid Robots 3. Y Synhwyrau The Senses 4. Plant y Chwyldro Children of the Revolution 5. Asiantaeth Teithio Traven Agent Learning Context

Addysg Gorfforol Physical Education Prynhawn Dydd Mawrth Prynhawn Dydd Mercher Tuesday Afternoon Wednesday Afternoon Physical Education

Gweithgaredd/Activitie Gwaith Cartref Gweithgaredd/Activitie Rhoi/ Given Erbyn/ For Geiriau Sillafu / Spelling words Gwener/Friday Gwener /Friday Gwaith Cartref (Llythrennedd/Rhifedd/Cyd-destun) / Home Work (Literacy/ Numeracy/ Subject) Mercher / Wednesday Mercher canlynol/ Following Wednesday Home Work

Llyfrau Gwaith Work Books Ysgrifben las Taclusrwydd! Blue pen Neatness! Balchder! Pride! Work Books

Asesu Assessment

Polisi Parch a Pherthynas Respect and Relationship Policy Cwrteisi! Parch! Courtesy! Respect! Hapusrwydd! Happiness! Amser Aur! Respect and Relationship Policy

Diolch yn fawr! Thank You!