Mission The mission of the Citizen Soldier for Life program is to maintain a ready and resilient force capable of accomplishing State and Federal missions by connecting ARNG Soldiers, Dependents, Veterans and Retirees with financial and career education plus employment opportunities throughout the Soldiers Life Cycle.
Goal The goal of the Citizen Soldier for Life program is to boost the resiliency of the ARNG force by enhancing military and civilian career opportunities and developing financially literate, transition ready, and employable Soldiers.
Synopsis Career Readiness Counselors (CRCs): Deliver Career Readiness Standards (CRS) to Soldiers throughout the Soldier Life Cycle (SLC) with emphasis in the initial phase of service Increase financial literacy of the Army National Guard through OSD sanctioned financial literacy training Provide individual case management for each CSFL participant Connect participants with available resources within the community and employment opportunities Prepare Soldiers for transition into civilian careers and/or lifestyle Facilitate the Citizen Soldier for Life concept throughout a Soldier’s service in the Army National Guard and in the communities they serve
Statute & Policy Statute Regulations Public Law 112-56, Sec. 201-265 (VOW to Hire Heroes Act of 2011) NDAA 2016, Sec 661 charges each service with providing financial literacy training under Section 992 of Title 10, United States Code Army/Department of Defense (DoD) Regulations/Guidance DODI 1332.35 requires that Service members complete CRS according to each service's Life Cycle Model (29 FEB 2016) AR 600-81, Soldier for Life – Transition Assistance Program (17 May 2016) Senior Leadership Guidance President Obama’s Executive Order 13518 of November 9, 2009_ Employment for Veterans The 2012 Army Strategic Planning Guidance (ASPG Objective) Army National Guard 2014-2020 Strategic Planning Guidance ARNG 4.0 SMOM 18-030, CSFL Program and Requirement for BRS training for ARNG RSP Soldiers (23 February 2018)
Connections When a particular service can not be provided, CRCs may conduct a warm handoff to another agency resource to meet the needs of the participant. CRCs have a cohesive network with relevant stakeholders to ensure that participants are properly connected to the appropriate source. State Connections include (not all inclusive): Department of Labor Job Centers State Family Program Director (SFPD) JFHQ’s and Brigade S1 Education Services Officer (ESO) Recruit Sustainment Program (RSP) Command and staff, Retirement Service Officers (RSO) Family Assistance Specialists (FAS) Transition Assistance Advisors (TAA) Personal Financial Counselors (PFC) Employment Support Specialist/Program Support Specialists (ESS/PSS) Veteran’s Opportunity to Work (VOW) Coordinator
Who Does CSFL Service? CRCs provide financial literacy training, career readiness, Veterans Opportunity of Work (VOW) Act coordination and employment assistance and outreach to all Army National Guard Soldiers, their immediate Family members, Retirees, Veterans and other Service Members from DoD Components: During RSP and initial phase of Service Pre-mobilization at Home Station and in coordination with the Transition Assistance Advisor (TAA) at the demobilization site At key transition points during a Soldiers Life Cycle (SLC) At service transition When requested at unit drills Individuals walk-ins and appointments
Career Readiness Standards Career Readiness Standards (CRS) are a DoD set of mandated requirements to prepare Soldiers with the knowledge, tools, and skills needed to achieve their individual career goals. To meet CRS, Army National Guard Soldiers must complete the following during the initial phase: Complete an Individual Self-Assessment Basic Resume Development Complete an Individual Development Plan (IDP) in Army Knowledge Online (AKO) Register on VA eBenefits (www.ebenefits.va.gov) Prepare a 12-month budget spend plan Receive Financial Literacy Training: Blended Retirement System Receive Financial Literacy Training: Initial Entry Training
Career Readiness Standards What is the Soldier Life Cycle? AR 600-81, Figure 11-1
Career Readiness Standards The Individual Assessment Tool helps to identify aptitudes, interests, strengths, and skills. Who Does CSFL Service?
Career Readiness Standards
Career Readiness Standards
Career Readiness Standards Are YOU tracking? The Army’s Individual Development Plan (IDP) allows you to create and track your progress as you move through your career. You can compare progress to your peers and manage your career goals and timelines. https://actnow.army.mil
Career Readiness Standards
Financial Literacy Touchpoints CRCs facilitate financial literacy training to the Soldier at twelve Office of Secreatry of Defense (OSD) mandated financial touchpoints: Initial Entry to RSP Arrival at first duty station (parent unit) Promotion (E-5/O-4 and below) Vests in Thrift Saving Plan (TSP) Receipt of continuation pay Leadership Training Pre-Deployment Training Post-Deployment Training Career Transition Birth of Child Marriage/Divorce Disabling Sickness/Condition
Financial Literacy Touchpoints Resources in the field: Career Readiness Counselor (CRC) vs Personnel Financial Counselor (PFC) Provide the OSD Endorsed training. Provide Financial counseling; must refer to PFCs Provide financial touch points requirements CRCs cannot… Solicit clients for personal gains PFCs can… PFCs cannot… Provide one-on-one financial counseling Deliver group and Individual training Provide Individual Case Management CRCs can…
Financial Literacy Process ARNG requires New Accession BRS training at RSP Life Events: *Each Promotion *Birth and adoption *Marriage *Divorce *Disabling condition/Death
CRS/VOW Touchpoints
VOW Process RSP T10 Period (>180days) Legend: Green = T32 Status Red = T32 Status Bronze = T10 Status CRC identifies mobilizing units from the Notice of Sourcing list and coordinates with the Commander for VOW prior to mobilization, if desired. Once identified as a unit to conduct VOW prior to mobilization, the CRC coordinates VOW training through NGB and icw the YRRP Coordinator in the State. Pre mobilization VOW may also be conducted during a drill weekend if the Commander desires. CRCs can enter training into TAP XXI database. CRC must coordinate w/ State TAA’s to identify by name, Soldiers not meeting VOW requirements at the time of demob and notify their Commanders. Ideally, this identification process and notification happens within 3 days before departure from the demob station. Once a Soldier departs, the 30 days to meet compliance standards. Commanders are responsible to ensure Soldiers are in compliance. Compliance % are reported to Secretary of the Army. RSP BCT/AIT DE-MOB PRE-MOB T10 Period (>180days) Soldier reintegrates to SLC CRC are required to monitor VOW/CRS non-compliance % and be available to assist the Soldier to meet the requirments IAW PWS deliverables (see note 2 & 3) VOW Pre-MOB training coordinated through NGB VOW Coordinator for FTST delivery (HRC). FTST trainers record training in TAP XXI. Notes: 1 - RCs and CRCs can also input and/or validate individual VOW requirements completion in TAP XXI and also coordinate input of requirements completion with NGB VOW NCOIC, or HRC to input data to Army’s TAP XXI database. 2 - RCs and CSFL CRCs, simultaneously, input and/or validate individual VOW requirements completion CSFL CMS Database. 3 - 30 days after ARNG Soldiers demobilize, they return to T32 status. At this point, the non-compliant % will not change and reflects upon Soldiers command.
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First Name Last Name, CSFL Career Readiness Counselor 000-000-0000 Contact us directly at First Name Last Name, CSFL Career Readiness Counselor 000-000-0000 name@emailaddress Connect and Follow us today https://www.facebook.com/ARNGCSFL https://www.twitter/Citizen Soldier4Life