Starter How many key individuals in Germany can you name? Merits to the person with the most…
Who were important to our study of Nazi Germany? Key individuals Who were important to our study of Nazi Germany? Aim: To explain (B) the significance of key individuals in Germany before evaluating (A) who was the most important.
Why Important? Adolf Hitler Leader of the Nazi party, Chancellor, Individuals Who were they Why Important? Adolf Hitler Leader of the Nazi party, Chancellor, Der Furher Gustav Stresemann German politician, Briefly Chancellor, Foreign minister to Weimar government Wilhelm II Kaiser to Germany Frederich Ebert served as the first President of Germany from 1919 to 1925 Rosa Luxemburg Leader of Sparticist uprising, 1919
Leader of Sparticist uprising, 1919 Individuals Who were they Why Important? Karl Leibknecht Leader of Sparticist uprising, 1919 Wolfgang Kapp Leader of Kapp Putsch, 1920 Franz Von Papen Served as Chancellor of Germany in 1932 and as Vice-Chancellor under Adolf Hitler in 1933–1934. Von Schleicher was a German general and the last Chancellor of Germany before Hitler became Supreme Leader. President Hindenburg President of Germany 1925-1934
Why Important? Ernest Rohm Marinus Van Der Lubbe Individuals Who were they Why Important? Ernest Rohm Leader of the SA Marinus Van Der Lubbe Communist blamed for the Reichstag Fire Himmler Himmler was one of the most powerful men in Nazi Germany and one of the persons most directly responsible for the Holocaust. Dietrich Bonhoffer German Lutheran pastor, anti-Nazi and founding member of the Confessing Church. Martin Niemoller German anti-Nazi theologian and Lutheran pastor.
Why Important? Von Staffenburg Hans/Sophie Scholl Individuals Who were they Why Important? Von Staffenburg German general, disgusted at the treatment of the Jews. Responsible for the July Bomb that almost killed Hitler Hans/Sophie Scholl Leaders of the White Rose group that opposed the Nazi party Bishop Ludwig Muller Nazi Bishop who led the Reich Church Herman Goering German politician, military leader, and leading member of the Nazi Party, founder of the Gestapo and the 4 Year Plan Josef Gobbels German politician and Reich Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945
Why are these words/phrases significant? Allies: Anti-Semitism: Armistice: Aryan: Constitution: Dawes Plan: Democracy: Emergency Powers: Enabling Act: Extremist Parties: Freikorps: German Labour Front (DAF): Hyper-Inflation: Kaiser: League of Nations: Passive Resistance: Proportional Representation: Putsch: Reichstag: Reparations: Republic: SA: SS: Wall Street Crash: Young Plan: Aim: To explain (B) the significance of key individuals in Germany before evaluating (A) who was the most important.
Evaluation task Why were each of the key people in the table significant? Who was most significant? Who was least significant? Aim: To explain (B) the significance of key individuals in Germany before evaluating (A) who was the most important.
Examination Technique Why was Adolf Hitler important? (4) Why was Gustav Stresemann important? (4) How important was Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Leibknecht, amongst other people in opposing the Weimar government (12) Aim: To explain (B) the significance of key individuals in Germany before evaluating (A) who was the most important.
A cartoon by Karl Arnold in 1923. It is entitled “Saviour Stresemann” Source work What do the sources suggest about the role that Stresemann played in leading the Weimar Republic? (4) F Reynoldson, Weimar and Nazi Germany, published in 1996 “From 1924 to 1929 the Weimar Republic was much stronger than it was after the war. Parties managed to work together. The extreme parties got less seats. The German people were better off and more content. The Weimar Republic looked safe” A cartoon by Karl Arnold in 1923. It is entitled “Saviour Stresemann” Aim: To explain (B) the significance of key individuals in Germany before evaluating (A) who was the most important.