4. 19. 18 U. S. HISTORY THROUGH FILM 4.19.18 U. S. HISTORY THROUGH FILM ON THIS DAY: 1775 - The American Revolution began as fighting broke out at Lexington, MA “Shot heard around the world”. 1892 - The Duryea gasoline buggy was introduced in the U.S. by Charles and Frank Duryea. 1938 - General Francisco Franco declared victory in the Spanish Civil War. 1943 - The Warsaw Ghetto uprising against Nazi rule began. The Jews were able to fight off the Germans for 28 days. 1951 - General MacArthur gave his "Old soldiers never die, they just fade away" speech before the U.S. Congress. 1967 - Surveyor 3 landed on the moon and began sending photos back to the U.S. 1982 - NASA named Sally Ride to be first woman astronaut. 1982 - NASA named Guion S. Bluford Jr. as the first African-American astronaut. 1982 - The U.S. announced a ban on U.S. tourist and business travel to Cuba. 1995 - The Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, OK, was destroyed by a bomb. 2013 – One of the two Boston Marathon bombing suspects killed in shootout with police. BELL WORK: WHAT IS THE MAIN CONFLICT OF THE STORY? PROVIDE TWO PIECES OF EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT YOUR POSITION. AGENDA: FINISH MOVIE DANCES WITH WOLVES & MOVIE GUIDE. SOUNDTRACK FRIDAY: MO K. HOMEWORK: COMPLETE THE REFLECTION QUESTIONS #20 & 21.