Presented by: Phil Mannell Enbridge Gas Distribution
2 Canada's largest natural gas distribution company Head quarteredin Toronto, Ontario About Enbridge Gas Distribution Enbridge Gas Distribution and its affiliates distribute natural gas to more than 2.0 million customers in Ontario, Quebec, New York State and New Brunswick Owns and operates 35,000+ km of pipelines for the transportation and distribution of natural gas in Ontario Over the past 3 years, added an average of about 37,000 customer annually Esri user since 2011
3 Context – GIS EGD Mylar Plates to Smallworld Integration with Asset Repository O&E Roadmap GIS is a priority O&E Roadmap GIS is a priority GIS Replacement Program start SmallWorld is replaced GIS as Platform Core GIS Enterprise GIS GPS & Department Specific GIS Apps Further exploit GIS capabilities to achieve company objectives GIS as Platform Core GIS Enterprise GIS
4 GIS Approach at EGD Leverage EGIS as a platform Identify new business units/groups and their common tasks that can benefit from a map-based application Create lightweight, focused maps and apps to support business processes Rapid deployment Conduct POC/ Pilot to establish business benefits Shorter implementation durations: weeks turnaround time for new applications
5 WMC Where is this emergency located? Construction Where is this new pipes proposed location? Operations Where is this leaking pipe thats been detected? Damage Prevention Where is this locate being requested? Operations Survey Where is this corrosion area that needs to be inspected? Integrity Management Where are the integrity mains that should be pigged this year? M &R Where is this pressure alarm being triggered from? Customer Connections Where are my leads and opportunities? Business Development Where are non- customers on mains? Marketing What areas do we focus this campaign on? Sales Enquiry Could we get gas to this customer? GIS – How it is being used today
6 Examples - Customer Connections WorkSuite Improve access to Information – one stop shop o Provide required work and asset information in one system o Track work history for traceability and easy hand-off Improve Work Flow o Manage and communicate work electronically o Eliminate the need for paper forms and documents o Minimize visits to the back office – 80% of time spent in the field with potential customers Leverage our Enterprise Data o Eliminate duplicate entry for data that already exists in other systems o See location and status of new sales leads and potential opportunities o Anticipate & mitigate issues by reviewing land & environmental features prior to site visits o Plan future work load and expansion based on sales leads trend/demand
7 Browser based application 50 Users - 30 field, 20 office based Focused maps and applications specific to Customer Connections workflows Process centric workflows Leverages Enterprise GIS platform Integration with multiple systems Field device - Panasonic Toughbooks Field Connectivity - 3G Sales Leads Information Field Observations/Potential Sales Opportunities Field Observations/Potential Sales Opportunities EGD Customer Locations Future Development Plans from Municipalities/Consultants Future Development Plans from Municipalities/Consultants Current and Scheduled Work from STORMS Current and Scheduled Work from STORMS EGDS Gas Network from Enterprise GIS EGDS Gas Network from Enterprise GIS EGDS Landbase from Enterprise GIS EGDS Landbase from Enterprise GIS Bing Maps with Aerial Imagery CC Geodatabase CC WorkSuite App Web Services ArcGIS Server Java Script APIs Simplified Data Entry Simplified Data Entry Assign, Receive, & Manage CC specific Work Assign, Receive, & Manage CC specific Work Centralised access to all forms & docs from GIS Centralised access to all forms & docs from GIS Spatial Query & Analysis Spatial Query & Analysis Notifications Notifications Attach documents, & images to the map Attach documents, & images to the map User Specific Maps & Data User Specific Maps & Data CC Work Suite – Customer Connections Non-GIS Data sources Current System Capabilities Legend:
8 Consolidated Information Work and Asset information trace work history and handoff, communicate work progress electronically Location of Lead and potential opportunities Identify potential environment issues – Creeks, Railway, Conservation Areas
9 The Change… Before After …and in the field
10 Electronic Field Devices are installed at regulator stations to monitor pressure of gas distribution network. When pressure conditions outside of the defined norm are met, Measurement & Regulation is dispatched to: Investigate Alarm Resolve Operational Issues In addition, M&R is responsible for the regular maintenance of regulators throughout the Enbridge Gas franchise area. Pressure Viewer – Technical Services
11 Pressure Viewer – Technical Services Alarm Conditions Pressure Data Electronic Device Configuration Device Communication Info Alarm Resolution EGDS Gas Network from Enterprise GIS EGDS Gas Network from Enterprise GIS EGDS Landbase from Enterprise GIS EGDS Landbase from Enterprise GIS Bing Maps with Aerial Imagery EGIS Geodatabase Pressure Viewer App Web Services ArcGIS Server Java Script APIs Real time alarm viewer Real time alarm viewer Centralised access to pressure & alarmdata Centralised access to pressure & alarmdata Spatial Query & Analysis Spatial Query & Analysis Automatic and on demand reporting Automatic and on demand reporting User Specific Maps & Data User Specific Maps & Data Non-GIS Data sources Current System Capabiliti es Legend: Pressure readings captured the last 24-hours High, Low, and Average pressure. Lists the pressure recorders the location of individual records are marked with blue balloons
12 Operating Parameters Change/Monitor operating Parameters Run simulation Models Determine Risk conditions Master Scheduler Review master schedule with stakeholders Allocate Work Window Scheduling/ Monitoring Identify network conflicts with other work/ other active contingency plans Review job requests for risk tolerance criteria Scheduling/ Monitoring Allocate work window on the network Schedule and Issue permission to work Emergency Identify networks impacted by emergency Review planned work/ active contingency plans Help mitigate risks Operate Gas Network – Network Operations Network Ops
13 Operate Gas Network – Network Operations Browser based application Customized map view and applications specific to Network Operations Centre Unified view of important data at critical locations to assess network health Leverages Enterprise GIS platform Integration with Operational Technology Integration with external systems EGDs Vital Mains/ NEB Mains Work Requests on Vital Mains Pressure & Alarms Data Ontario one call data EGD XHP/ HP Mains EGDS Gas Network from Enterprise GIS EGDS Gas Network from Enterprise GIS EGDS Landbase from Enterprise GIS EGDS Landbase from Enterprise GIS Bing Maps with Aerial Imagery EGIS Geodatabase NOC Viewer Application Web Services ArcGIS Server Java Script APIs Real-time Emergency work requests viewer Real-time Emergency work requests viewer Consolidated view of Work Requests On Vital Mains Consolidated view of Work Requests On Vital Mains Spatial Query & Analysis Spatial Query & Analysis Quick access to ongoing work info at critical locations Quick access to ongoing work info at critical locations Quick access to Pressure and Alarm Data at critical Locations Quick access to Pressure and Alarm Data at critical Locations Current System Capabilities Legend:
14 Network Operations Screenshot Distribution of Work Requests which are on critical Mains including polygons of projects Distribution of Work Requests which are on critical Mains or in its vicinity
15 Field Data Capture using GPS GPS based field data collection initiated in o Capture location of EGD gas network assets and land base features o 3G enabled Wireless data download and upload facilities o Aimed at removing the paper based processes Trimble GeoExplorer 6000 GeoXH EGIS functionality extended to Trimble devices o Trimble devices use ArcGIS Mobile applications for data capture o User friendly field application with intuitive user interface o Users gets the same look and feel in the field as for other EGIS applications o Redline (field updates) capability to capture gas network features o Data integrated into GIS, associating location and assets o New Construction, Maintenance and Damage Prevention o Moving towards to Electronic As-Laid
16 So What ……. Link to Business Benefits o GIS implementation at EGD is helping business with the Core EGD Objectives: o Safety o Customer Experience o Productivity Since the implementation of EGIS the number of users has gone up by more than 25% with several new business units now using GIS as their core system. The factors which have helped this are: o Easier adoption of new applications by the users – Map based application are simpler to use o Easier Deployment Options – Rapid development and quick deployment facilitated by ESRI platform Business Units are realizing operational efficiency and productivity gains from GIS by using spatial business intelligence in the decision making process
17 Managers Engineers Executives Customer Service Customer Service Dashboards Service Connection Outage Dashboard Weather Alerts & Risks Service Connection Outage Dashboard Weather Alerts & Risks Service Feasibility Incident management Restoration Service Feasibility Incident management Restoration Revenue Management Billing and Revenue Dashboards & Trends Billing & revenue trends Energy Consumption Customer Acquisition Billing & revenue trends Energy Consumption Customer Acquisition Connections Disconnections Meter Data Connections Disconnections Meter Data Operations Management Network KPIs Pressure Alerts Dashboard Network KPIs Pressure Alerts Dashboard Alerts Management Engg Design & Drafting Network Modeling Customer Connections Alerts Management Engg Design & Drafting Network Modeling Customer Connections Engg & Constr WO As built Network Layouts As-built GPS field updates Integrate Services info in EGIS Engg & Constr WO As built Network Layouts As-built GPS field updates Integrate Services info in EGIS Asset Management Asset Utilization Dashboards Risk Dashboards Predictive Trends Asset Utilization Dashboards Risk Dashboards Predictive Trends Predictive Maintenance Maintenance history Utilization Trends Predictive Maintenance Maintenance history Utilization Trends Asset records update posting Field Inspection updates Pressure monitoring Asset records update posting Field Inspection updates Pressure monitoring Big Picture – Key Areas to Expand GIS
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