LMP1 activates IRF7 through CTAR2. LMP1 activates IRF7 through CTAR2. (A) A schematic representation of LMP1WT, LMP1 1–231(CTAR1), and LMP1 Δ187–351 (CTAR2). TM, transmembrane domain. HEK293 (B) or DG75 (C) cells were cotransfected with pSG5-HA-IRF7 and pSG5 (lane 1), pSG5-FLAG-LMP1 WT (lane 2), pSG5-FLAG-LMP1 1–231 (lane 3) or pSG5-FLAG-LMP1 Δ187–351 (lane 4) along with an ISRE or NF-κB-dependent luciferase and a pGK-β-galactosidase reporter plasmid. To calculate relative luciferase activity, empty vector and LMP1 induced luciferase activities were set to 1 and 100%, respectively. Yoon-Jae Song et al. PNAS 2008;105:47:18448-18453 ©2008 by National Academy of Sciences