Week 12 Spelling Words
diction the state of speaking 1
dictator one who tells people what to do 2
dictionary a book of how to say words 3
dictate to say aloud to be copied 4
dictation the act of saying aloud for someone to copy 5
auditorium a large place to hear things 6
auditory relating to things that are heard 7
audience a group of people who hear 8
audition the power of being heard 9
audible able to be heard 10
interact to act across or between a group 11
international across or between nations 12
intersection across a section 13
intercept caught between 14
interstate between states 15
transaction an action that goes between people 16
transportation the act or state of carrying across 17
transfer to bear or carry across 18
transformation the state of forming across or differently 19
transparent to appear through 20