For your classwork/homework today (cont.) 1. DNA-a long molecule that is composed of units called Nucleotides (page 291)
For your classwork/homework today (cont.)
For your classwork/homework for #3 (cont.) Double Helix (this is a group project) Each of your need to construct one of these Your group with then construct one of these
For your classwork/homework today (cont.)
For your classwork/homework today (cont.)
For your classwork/homework today (cont.)
For your classwork/homework today (cont.) The phosphates (phosphoric acid) are one of the two elements that provide support and hold the DNA in place.
For your classwork/homework today (cont.) They have two rings in their structure.
For your classwork/homework today (cont.) They have one ring in their structure.
For your classwork/homework today (cont.) How many base pairs in humans (approximately)? 3 BILLION