Geography and how it affects Japan


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Geography and how it affects Japan

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Presentation transcript:

Geography and how it affects Japan

A. Geography of Japan Japan has been influenced by several geographic factors: Islands (Archipelago- about 4,000, only a few hundred are inhabitable) Mountains Ring of Fire Proximity (closeness) to China and Korea Lack of natural resources for industrialization Irregular coastline

B. Japan is an archipelago An archipelago is a chain of islands, which is made up of many islands that are close together.

C. How does being an island nation affect Japan? 1. Japan was isolated from the rest of Asia because of the sea. This allowed Japan to develop a unique culture and society. 2. The seas surrounding Japan have provided Japan with an important source of food / protein. 3.Historically, most Japanese people have lived on the four largest islands: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu.

D. Most of Japan is covered in mountains (80-85%)

E. How do mountains affect Japan? 1. Mountains are not good for farming. Only 12 % of land is suitable for farming. As a result of this, there is a limit to how much available farmland there is in Japan. 2. Mountains made it difficult to travel throughout Japan. Different regions of Japan were isolated from each other because of the mountains. 3. The majority of Japan’s major cities are located near the coast.

F. One way Japan has adapted to the mountains is by terracing Terracing is the process of creating farmland in the mountains by carving terraces into the mountainside. This technique is also used in the Andes mountains of South America.

G. Japan is part of the ring of fire The ring of fire is a region around the Pacific Ocean that has heavy volcanic activity and frequents earthquakes.

H. Geography makes life in Japan dangerous 1. Japan experiences frequent earthquakes that vary from very weak to very strong (1500/yr, 20/day). 2. In the summer Japan experiences very strong and dangerous storms called Typhoons. These storms create massive amounts of rain and winds capable of destroying buildings. 3. Tsunamis are massive waves that can destroy coastal areas. These waves are a frequent threat in Japan.

I. Impact on religion 1. This dramatic and often deadly geography led the Japanese to develop a great respect for nature. 2. This respect can be seen in their belief system, Shinto. 3. Shintoism is the Japanese belief system that worships spirits found in all living and non-living things.

J. Geography and Cultural Diffusion Japan is located near China and Korea. 120 miles from Korea.

K. Geography and Cultural Diffusion 1. Its location near these countries has caused cultural diffusion. 2. Japanese culture is a unique blend of its own original traditions and ideas borrowed from China and Korea. 3. Korea is often referred to as a cultural “bridge” between China and Japan.

L. Geography and Imperialism 1. Japan is an island nation with few natural resources needed for industrial factories, such as coal, oil and iron. 2. Japan has been interdependent – dependent on other countries for resources. 3. In order to get the resources they needed, Japan practiced a policy of IMPERIALISM.

M. Geography and Imperialism 1. Imperialism is when one country takes over or controls another for social, political, or economic reasons. 2. Japan basically took control of other countries to access their natural resources.

Summary Japan is an island nation heavily influenced by geography. The major geographic features that have influenced Japan are: The sea Mountains Volcanoes Geographic location near China and Korea Lack of Natural resources