FNDF SEMI-ARID RURAL ENVIRONMENTAL REGISTRY PUBLIC CALL OUT: EXPERIENCES, RESULTS AND PERSPECTIVES Lara Souto, Cristina Galvão Alves, Janaína de Almeida Rocha Brazilian Forest Service, Ministry of the Environment, Brazil lara.ribeiro@florestal.gov.br Washington DC, March 20, 2018
Brazilian Forest Service – SFB SFB was institutionalized in 2006 as an autonomous entity that is part of the Ministry of Environment; A competency of the coordination of the rural environmental registry (or CAR) at a federal level; National Fund for Forest Development (FNDF) a public fund based on public support and initiatives.
National Fund for Forest Development - FNDF To promote the development of sustainable forest-based activities; and To promote the technological innovation in the forest sector; The financial resources arise from: (i) prices of forest concessions; (ii) donations performed by national or international, public or private entities; (iii) reversion of annual not-invested balances; (iv) other resource that have been specifically designated to budgets shared with other Federal entities.
FNDF - Experiences Those resources are primarily applied in projects on the following areas: Technological research and development in forest management; Technical assistance and rural extension; Recovery of degraded areas with native species; Rational and sustainable economic use of forest resources; Control and monitoring of forest and deforestation activities; Forest management qualification and education of multiplier agents in forest activities; Environmental education; Environmental protection and preservation of natural resources.
FNDF - Experiences FNDF has supported 146 projects selected through 19 public calls outs and 2 public calls outs with partnering institutions; FNDF has acted in 4 Brazilian biomes – Caatinga, Cerrado, Amazon rainforest and Atlantic Forest, promoting actions towards sustainable forest production and environmental regularization, with the themes, e.g.: Environmental regulation supported by the CAR; Reconfiguration of the plant cover of Permanent Preservation Areas (APP) and Legal Reserves (RL).
Caatinga Cerrado Amazon rainforest Atlantic forest Photos: SFB
The Public Call Out – Why? CAR’s newsletter of May 2015 showed a clear discrepancy on the registrations for small owners of the Brazilian Northeast region: 53.65% of registered areas in the SiCAR database, focusing in the North and Mid-West regions; and 19.82% of registered areas in the SiCAR database in the Northeast region.
The Public Call Out – Why? The Brazilian Northeast was known for the massive presence of small family farmers, poor urban infrastructure, a region with the lowest HDI of Brazil, the highest concentration of people in a situation of extreme poverty; The public power must offer support to the registry in CAR and the implementation of projects for environmental regularization.
The Public Call Out – Demographic Photos: Gabriela Berbigie/SFB
FSA/CEF contributions: The Public Call Out – Characteristic FNDF contributions: To create the public call out; To launch; To receive and to select the proposals; The technical monitoring; The registry analysis; To follow-up on the selected projects. FSA/CEF contributions: To funder the projects; To transfer and to follow-up on the financial execution.
The Public Call Out – Aspect FNDF nº 01/2015 – Supporting the registration of rural properties of family agriculture and traditional peoples and communities in the Rural Environmental Registration in the Brazilian Semi-arid region; FSA/CEF only accepted proposals from private not-for-profit institutions; FSA/CEF provided US$ 3 million for project funding; FNDF receive 101 project proposals in total; The result was the contraction of 5 private not-for-profit institutions with the purpose of performing 56,394 registrations.
10,359 families in CAR, 83 communities The Public Call Out – Results Institutions Performance Goals Cost US$ OACSAL 11,500 CAR 598,681.81 CONTAG 12,535 CAR 575,257.30 FUNETEC 10,000 CAR 515,458.42 IDEC 12,000 CAR 519,088.50 ECOOTERRA 10,359 families in CAR, 83 communities 605,831.89 The Public Call Out is considered to be fully executed, with a total execution of 98% of the approved and paid registries.
The Public Call Out – Others Results During the projects execution, it was verified that some people lacked the Individual Taxpayer Registration Number (CPF), required for the CAR registry; Each contractor proposed the dynamics for the activities in the execution of registries and mobilization with communities as they considered proper – successful case of CONTAG;
The Public Call Out – Others Results Photos: SFB
The Public Call Out – Others Results This Public Call Out was an instrument that enable an articulation with other entities in order to solve conflicts and problems in the creation of registries; FUNETEC’s partnership enabled the construction of an application for mobile devices that facilitated the creation of registries in the field by the contractor; ECOOTERRA improved the registration methodologies in CAR to traditional peoples and communities, which resulted in an institutional documentary.
The Public Call Out – Others Results Photos: Gabriela Berbigie/SFB
The Public Call Out – Perspectives The Registry (CAR) is the first step for the environmental regularization of the rural property; Another SFB’s competences is to support federal units and monitor the implementation of CAR and the Rural Compliance Programs (PRA); In 2018 the SFB is planning to develop a new Public Call Out with the cost US$ 425 thousand; Objective: to promote the reconfiguration of the vegetal coverage of areas to be altered, allied to practices that attempt to ensure food safety by means of agroforest system (AFS) and forest management.
Thank you! Obrigada! Lara Souto lara.ribeiro@florestal.gov.br +55 61 2028-7240 Forest Registry Management Team Forest Registry and Fostering Department Brazilian Forest Service | Ministry of the Environment