Pemberton Secondary School School Improvement Plan 2018-2019
Did you know? Grade 8-12 school, but we run a Middle School Program (gr.8-9) & Grad Program (gr.10-12) 274 Students this year 40% Aboriginal Students (Stl’atl’imx Nation – N’Quatqua, Lil’wat, Samahquam, Skatin & Xa’xtsa7 Bands) 83 French Immersion Students 42 International Students Declining Enrolment (Real estate, competing programs/schools of choice) Diverse student population (active in athletics, arts, culture, post secondary) Above average graduation rate in the province Many Programs of Choice (French Immersion; Outdoor Education; Ski, Board, and Bike Academy) BUT, a challenge with this comes streaming Seen by many districts as an innovative school
What is our DATA telling us? Our grade 8 and 9 students are struggling with their numeracy and literacy skills (reading and writing), which is having a negative impact on their success in the grad program. We see a significant percentage of students in the below C+ range in their grad program courses, particularly English 10, English 11, English 12, Communications 12, A&W Math 10 and 11, Science 10 and Earth Science 11. We also see our Aboriginal learners not selecting higher academic courses – they are not taking risks (some improvement noted) Our At-Risk referral data also shows a significant number of students are at-risk by midterm. These students require a wrap-around approach in order to see success in their courses. Our grad completion rates are high and this is due to the strong wrap-around approach we use for all students; however, our goal is for students to graduate with more independence and have fewer referrals to our at-risk team. The 2017/18 Our School Survey results are concerning to us – we seen a decrease in most areas compared to the previous year. Our main concern is with the following: Students sense of belonging, self-esteem, anxiety and depression. The Our School Survey data tells us our students are engaged in our athletic teams and school clubs, such as drama and leadership. However, the data shows that our students struggle with connections and self-belonging. They need a school champion/advocate. The Our School Survey data also tells us about half of our student population are intellectually engaged. We want all of our students to see relevance in their learning and to be intellectually engaged.
Connections & Engagement We are improving, but have work to do.
School District 48 Satisfaction Survey Data
PSS Middle School Program Grades 8 & 9 How does is work? Reporting Middle School Double Blocks French Immersion 8/9 Blend Non-French Immersion 8 & 9 Learning Support CMS in Double Blocks FSL/PE – Blends & Community- Based Learning CLE/Exploratory 3 Middle School Reporting Dates – aligning with all SD48 Middle Schools Report card and in-progress report comments will show what the student has learned, where the student needs to go next and how parents can support this growth (Damian Cooper)
Changes to Grad Program Numeracy Assessment (gr.10-12) Grade 10 New Curriculum Career Life Education Year-Long Humanities (English & Social Studies) Composition Creative Writing Literary Studies New Media Spoken Language Semester Two – Block C Gr.10-12 Elective Rotation/Flex Time New Grade 11 & 12 Curriculum coming next year!
UBCO Partnership Growing Innovations Project 36. District: No. 48 (Sea to Sky) Project Title: Reimagining Learning Structures in a Rural Secondary High School through Teacher Collaborative Inquiry Teams and Cross-Curricular Student Inquiry
UBCO Small School Think Tank Case Study School
UBCO Think Tank Our Four Questions: Continue Rural School Visits How can we influence our school-wide timetable to be more flexible, and inclusive and offer opportunities for collaboration between teachers and students? What practices and approaches can we deepen and take up that will increase inclusion and success (literacy/numeracy, academic, and social- emotional/well-being)? How can we renew and better integrate our professional learning to develop our school and nurture ourselves and our students? How can we maintain and sustain our innovations (signature pedagogies) and grow them into grades 10-12? Continue Rural School Visits We return to UBCO Think Tank in May 2019
The Future… Blow away Middle School Timetable in 2019- 2020 Double Blocks: AB (Academic - Math) & CD (CLE – PE/Language/Exploratory) Develop Flexible Learning Opportunities for Seniors