Five Basic Characteristics of Transcendentalism Self-reliance Non-conformity Free Thought Confidence Importance of Nature Read Henry David Thoreau’s biography on page 380 of your literature book. Think of at least one way you think his life reflects the characteristics of Transcendentalism.
Walden Note Taking Assignment As we read Walden, look for quotes that you think show the one of the five characteristics of Transcendentalism. Write down each quote that you find. Put each quote in quotation marks. Make sure you cite it correctly with the author’s last name and page number! Example Quote Citation: “I went out into the woods because I wished to liver deliberately” (Thoreau 382). You need to record at least 8 quotes.
Walden Quote Analysis Pictures Think about the basic characteristics of Transcendentalism: self reliance, nonconformity, free thought, confidence, importance of nature and its connection to the spiritual. Choose two quotes that you understand from Walden and complete the following assignment for EACH quote: Write the quote somewhere on your paper. Illustrate the quote somehow. This illustration should demonstrate your understand of what the quote means. Essentially, your drawing should explain the quote. Choose one of the five characteristics of Transcendentalism and thoroughly explain how that quote exemplifies that characteristic.