Advanced Conversation Unit 7 October 27th Overview
Attendance Midterm Feedback - Quiz 1 and Check your email… Video assignment (see blog) Unit 7 Video 10.26 Think about two or three of your friends. Then describe your friends by answering the questions on 3 Writing on page 73. Talk about your circle of friends using relative clauses; Talk about dating using phrasal verbs; Soften comments with expressions like sort of; Use though to give a contrasting idea
Unit 7 -Relationships Relative Clauses Phrasal Verbs… “Probably…” “Sort of…” Using “though” as a contrasting idea...
Page 65 - What kind of relationships do we have? And with whom? P66 - Read (class) Circle of Friends 1A Where do people make friends? How many places can you think of? Make a list...
P67 - Relative Clauses -“Who, that, which”... Use who and that to refer to people...that and which to refer to things
P67 #3 Talk About It… Groups- Questions… P69 - Phrasal Verbs 2A P69 #3 Questions- Groups - (intonation)
Dating Profile Handout 1.Read- Are they compatible? 2.Why...why not? 3.Compound adjectives: A compound adjective is formed when two or more adjectives are joined together to modify the same noun. These terms should be hyphenated to avoid confusion or ambiguity. For example: Diana submitted a 6-page document.
Thursday 27th - Attendance P70 - “She’s just a bit odd…” A/B Conversation dialogues “I guess/I think…” - natural expressions D- Apply C to the sentences in D
P71 Contrasting Ideas - we’re looking for an opposite answer P73 2A - Getting back in touch… P73 #3 Circle of friends (P66) -Group P74 - verbs #1 #2 #3
Dating Profile Activity Handout 1. How many different ways can you think of meeting a partner? 2. Have you ever heard of speed-dating? 3. Look at the definition from the Macmillan English Dictionary. What do you think about this idea? Speed-dating definitions: speed-dating (noun) -A method of meeting a potential romantic partner by briefly talking to a series of individuals at an organized event, and indicating whether you are interested in seeing any of them again. What do people put on their dating profiles?
Media Expressions I’m completely hooked on (series name) at the moment. I can watch a whole boxed set in a weekend. I don’t watch a lot of telly, I stream everything online nowadays. I like to keep up-to-date with the news. I have to admit I watch a lot of trashy telly, shows like… and… are my guilty pleasures. I’m completely hooked on/addicted to facebook/twitter/instagram. I can’t do anything without tweeting/posting it. I’m trying to get into (video) blogging/photography. I can waste hours bingeing on funny cat videos on you-tube.
Put yourself out there in a good way Pros & Cons of Social Media Put yourself out there in a good way Connect with students in other educational systems Make new friends/communicate or connect with old friends/family Get different opinions on things like surveys Get a fanbase/try to make a name for yourself-Gossip/spread rumors/Trolling
Posting inappropriate statuses/pictures Making people feel bad about themselves Cyberbullying Hacking into profiles and posting Gossip/spread rumors/Trolling
Who or what has the most “views” on Youtube?
Youtube Handout
“Social Network” Handout Reading Group Acitivty/Discussion Pros and Cons of Youtube Handout 2xpros 2xcons “Social Network” Handout Reading Group Acitivty/Discussion