Make sentences using past continuous and tell what Foxy and his friends were doing on their holidays! Учитель английского языка МОУ СОШ №13 г. Серпухов Меджидова Людмила Алексеевна
sail/whole summer
ride a banana boat/ from 5 till 8 on Sunday
watch the clouds/from 2 till 3 on Sunday
walk in the forest/from 3 till 4 on Saturday
sunbath/from 6 till 7 on Tuesday
play on the beach/ from 4 till 6 on Wednesday
fishing/ from 5 till 7 on Tuesday
sing/ from 6 till 7 on Thursday
eat/ from 2 till 3 on Wednesday
sleep/ from 4 till 5 on Friday
wash/ from 6 till 7 on Friday
ride a motorcycle/the whole day on Monday
eat ice-cream/ from 5 till 6 on Tuesday
take pictures/ the whole evening on Wednesday