Langgasse 49, 9008 St. Gallen Tellstrasse 2 to Langgasse 49 Go to the train station, where you can buy bus tickets. Just exit the building, go down to the main road (Rosenbergstrasse) and turn right. Walk until you reach an underpass, this will take you to the train station. From there, (see map), take bus no. 3 (direction Heiligkreuz) or bus no. 4 (direction “Wittenbach Bahnhof”) and get off at the stop “Heimatstrasse”. When you get off at the stop “Heimatstrasse” walk in direction of travel for a bit, Langasse 49 is on the left side of the road an very close to the bus stop. bus no. 5/9 To the train / bus station Just turn right on Rosen- bergstrasse until you reach the underpass. underpass bus no. 3/4 Railway station ticket office
City Buses in St. Gallen (yellow post buses not included) Getting to the city centre / to the train station and back The quickest way to get to the city centre (Marktplatz) is by bus no. 3 (direction “Abtwil St.Josefen”) or bus no. 4 (direction “Säntispark”) from stop “Heimatstrasse” (direction ). It stops at Marktplatz (city centre), but also takes you to the train station (Bahnhof). Getting to the University and back The university is 1.1 km away, so you can reach it on foot in about 16 min. Alternatively, you can take the bus. Either you take bus no. 3 (direction “Abtwil St.Josefen”) or bus no. 4 (direction “Säntispark”) to “Olma Messen” and walk from there (650 m/10 min.). Or you stay in bus no. 3/4 until “Marktplatz”, walk 100 m to the bus stop *Blumenberg” and take bus no. 5 (direction Rotmonten) or bus no. 9 (direction “Hölzli”). For bus no.5 the stop is called “Uni/Dufourstrasse “ which is about 300 m away from the campus. Bus no. 9 stops at “Uni/Gatterstrasse” which is right next to the campus.