NOC Report 2004.7.7 Kazunori Konishi
Tasks of NOC Planning & deployment of the networks Cost-effective network topology Network design & operation & Info. Exchange Technical support to research community Application research, ex. e2e performance Middleware research, ex. security Network research, ex. Hybrid Infra. Collaborations & Information exchange
Network Topology
Hybrid Infrastructure GLIF leader agrees Hybrid approach is promising! JP-US links can provide Layer 2 & 3 services, and the deployment of HOPI will be studied.
Observatory as Advanced NOC Service Real network data over R&E networks will be provided to network researchers for promoting the activities! Software, Papers, etc. Basic NOC Service Helpful in operation Advanced NOC Service Researchers Data with authentication Observatory Developed by NOC researchers & maintained by NOC engineers/operators Common Tools with High Priority Output data in standard format can get measurement data of the global networks and work together with foreign researchers.
Technical support to e-Science Projects High e2e performance is required for e-Science projects. NOC will collaborate with the network experts of e-Science projects. VLBI project is generating the huge traffic.
Cairns meeting NOC organized two sessions: Network Engineering : 7 speakers in two slots. Network technologies (measurement infrastructure and e2e performance) were discussed. About 50 persons participated and we had good discussions. NOC meeting: 7 speakers in one slot. Redesign of APAN servers, Network status & plan, AUP of the networks were explained. About 25 persons participated, but we had little time to discuss in detail.