Fig. 7. E2F1 acetylation in A1/A2-KO MEFs


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Fig. 7. E2F1 acetylation in A1/A2-KO MEFs Fig. 7. E2F1 acetylation in A1/A2-KO MEFs.(A) Western blot analysis of acetylated and total form of E2F1 in representative WT, A1-KO, A2-KO and A1/A2-KO MEFs. Vinculin was used as loading control. E2F1 acetylation in A1/A2-KO MEFs.(A) Western blot analysis of acetylated and total form of E2F1 in representative WT, A1-KO, A2-KO and A1/A2-KO MEFs. Vinculin was used as loading control. (B) Densitometric analysis of the levels of acetylated E2F1 versus E2F1 total in WT, A1-KO, A2-KO and A1/A2-KO MEFs. Level of acetylated E2F1 versus E2F1 total in WT was assumed as 100 (arbitrary units). These values represent the means ± SEM of two experiments. *P<0.05 versus WT. Antonella Federico et al. Biology Open 2014;bio.20146759 © 2014. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd