4/3/13 Chapter 22, Post World War II: The Origins of the Cold War Aim: What were the causes of the Cold War? Objective: Students will identify the reasons for tensions before the start of the Cold War, the countries involved and how it all led to the Cold War. Standards: RH2, RH4, WHST4 Do Now: Review p.761. What was the Declaration of Liberated Europe? How was the ending of WWII different that the end of WWI? Define the new vocabulary terms: Cold War (p.762), Iron Curtain (p.765). Work Period: Graphic organizer. Close: Answer the aim in 3-5 well developed sentences. Homework #4.12: “Analyzing Visuals” p. 764 DBQ # 1&2.
ROAD TO THE COLD WAR… ACTION OUTCOME TENSIONS BEGIN TO RISE CAUSING THE COLD WAR… (P.762) The U.S. accused the Soviets of violating the Declaration of Liberated Europe because they pressured the King of Romania into adopting a communist gov’t SOVIET SECURITY CONCERNS (P.762) The Soviets were given the job of controlling the borders of Europe and were worried that capitalist countries would rule out communism. AMERICAN ECONOMIC ISSUES (P.762-763) U.S. believed the Great Depression led to WWII. In order to avoid this, U.S. leaders believed in free trade and free enterprise that is NOT available in communism. POTSDAM CONFERENCE (P.764-765) Truman & Stalin met to work out a deal w Germany. Stalin wanted Germany to pay for reparations from WWII and Truman disagreed. This led to even more tensions between the two countries. THE IRON CURTAIN DESCENDS (P.765) An invisible curtain separated the communist part of Europe (eastern) & the democratic part of Europe (western) so the threat of communism to parts of Europe was constant.