Lathrop Intermediate School Home of the Spartans Math Skills Program Boot Camp Thursday, August 2, 2018 Respect Responsibility Safe
MATH SKILLS PROGRAM All 6th grade students will participate in a Math Skills program if they do not pass the assesment with 75% correct or higher. These assessments will take place every 6 weeks. If you score below 75%, you will be required to attend a 7th period math intervention class. Respect Responsibility Safe
MATH SKILLS PROGRAM Using a pencil or pen, please write your first and last name on the top of the answer sheet. Please write and bubble in your 6 digit I.D. Number First and Last Name 6 Digit ID: Or Lunch Number Respect Responsibility Safe
You will have 30 Minutes to complete this, use your time appropriately MATH SKILLS PROGRAM Please click this link and good luck. You will have 30 Minutes to complete this, use your time appropriately Respect Responsibility Safe