Women Doctors In Turkey Selma Güngör


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Presentation transcript:

Women Doctors In Turkey Selma Güngör 30.05.2019 Towards a women oriented Medicine. How European women doctors live and work: facilitations and barriers Women Doctors In Turkey Selma Güngör 30.05.2019

Number and % of women students and doctors, 2017 - 149.997 doctors in Turkey Seven thousand five hundred of the new admission medicine students are men and eight thosand two hunderd are women. Forty three thousand of total medicine students are men and forty three and six hundred students are women. There are one hundred fifty thousand doctors in Turkey and sixtys even thousand, forty five percent of them are women. Twenty fiwe percent, fiwe hundred thirty one women are at the age between fifty and sixty five.   - 67.450, %45 of the doctors are women

Number of the Members of TMA Women Men Total 23559 80710 104269 Number of the Members of TMA Number of the women members of TMA is about twenty three thousand six hundred. İt is twenty three percent of the total members. In Turkey and all graduates have to do compulsory service in public health service. And also in turkey, its not necassary to enrol to Turkish Medical association for the doctors who Works in the puplic health service and in the public medical faculties. Because of this the number of young women members are less than olders. Young men are more courages to drop the public sector and work in the private sector, so they have got to enroll the medical chambers.

Women in the Elected Boards of TMA 40 % gender quota has been an advicery decision of the central conress of TMA since 2007. At least 4 members of the central council are women. But there isnt a succesfull implementation of gender quota in the boards of the chambers. But the head of İstanbul Medical Chamber and İzmir Medical Chamber are women. To be a member of board is a third burden after work and family for women. Usuallly single or elder women stand for elections. Percentage of women in the whole board is twenty three.

Women in the Elected Boards of TMA 40 % gender quota has been an advicery decision of the central conress of TMA since 2007. At least 4 members of the central council are women. But there isnt a succesfull implementation of gender quota in the boards of the chambers. But the head of İstanbul Medical Chamber and İzmir Medical Chamber are women. To be a member of board is a third burden after work and family for women. Usuallly single or elder women stand for elections. Percentage of women in the whole board is twenty three.

Results of the Survey 1. How old are you? Number % - 25-35 yearsold 608 28,3 -      36-49 yearsold 910 42,3 -      50-60 yearsold 531 24,7 -      olderthan 60 years 100 4,7 Total 2149 2.    In your work, have you or did you ever feel being discriminated, as a woman doctor? - no, never 1418 - yes, from my colleagues 510 - yes, from my supervisors 705 - yes, from my patients 959 3592 Four thousand one hundred ninety one women doctors are participitated in the survey. But 2149 two thousand forty nine of them are answer the whole questions. But they didn’t answer the whole questions. Six hunred eight doctors are at the age between twenty five and thirty five. Their percentage is twenty eight. Nine hundred ten of these doctors which are forty two percent, (42,3%) are in the age between thirty six and forty fiwe, With regard to the questions “were you subjected to discrimination in your workplace?”, which participants can give more than one answer, only 1418 of them (34 %) said “no, never”, five hundred nine of them (23,7 %) said they were subjected to discrimination from “colleagues”, feven hundred five (705) of them (32,8 %) said “superiors”, and nine hundred sixty (959) of them (44,6 %) said “patients.”

3. Work-life Balance In Work Organization 3.    What is your opinion about work-life balance in your work organization? Number % -      I’m fully satisfied of organization in my workplace, both from a family friendly and carreer point of view 163 8,3 -      I’m quite satisfied of organization in my workplace, both from a family friendly and carreer point of view 619 31,3 -      I’m not satisfied at all, neither from a family friendly nor from acarreer point of view 629 31,8 -      I’m satisfied from a family friendly point of view but my carreer is deeply affected 272 13,8 -      I’m satisfied from a carreer point of view but my family life is deeply affected 292 14,8 Total 1975 100 As it is seen in the answers of the third question, Work-Life Balance in Work Organization, working conditions are bad for women doctors. 32 % of participants aren’t satisfied neither from a family friendly nor from a career point of view. 29 % of them are satisfied of only one option. Only 39% of the participants satisfied with the work organization. With regard to the organisation of workplaces from family-friendly and career perspective, while 1 out of three women doctors is “highly satisfied”, the rest “is not satisfied at all”. Academics are more satisfied with their work-life balance than other doctors.  

4. What would you improve in your work, for a more satisfying work-life balance? Number -      Nothing 86 -      Remuneration 1028 -      Access to carreeropportunities 926 -      Working time (part time, lenghtos shifts, etc) 1073 -      Holidays and days off management 943 -      Professional recognition 1205 -      More leadership 186 -      Other (please, specify)………………………………………………………. Total 5447 And the answers given to the fourth question of the research shows also the problems; Professional recognation, remuneration, working time and access to the career opportunities are the most frequent answers, so the problems. ( While half of the women doctors (1205 that is 56,1 %) say that they want to improve their professional respectability for a better work-life balance. They add that they (1073 women doctors that is 49,9 %) want to focus on working hours, (1028 women doctors that is 47,8 %) wages, and (943 women doctors that is 43,9 %) holidays and off days, and (926 women doctors that is 43,1 %) access to career opportunities.) And the answers given to the fourth question of the research shows also the problems; Professional recognation, remuneration, working time and access to the career opportunities are the most frequent answers, so the problems. ( While half of the women doctors (1205 that is 56,1 %) say that they want to improve their professional respectability for a better work-life balance. They add that they (1073 women doctors that is 49,9 %) want to focus on working hours, (1028 women doctors that is 47,8 %) wages, and (943 women doctors that is 43,9 %) holidays and off days, and (926 women doctors that is 43,1 %) access to career opportunities.)

5. Are you satisfied of your professional carreer? Number % -      Yes, at all 506 24,4 -      Not at all 209 10,1 -      Yes, but I neglected my family life 583 28,1 -      No, but I preferred to dedicate more time to my family 582 -      No, I didn’t have fair opportunities since I am a woman 192 9,3 Total 2072 100 6. Do you think, in your workplace, there is a fair involvement of women doctors for management roles? - Not at all 675 33,7 - No, at the moment but there is a growing attention on this topic 606 30,3 - Yes, and there is awareness regarding women authority 721 36 2002 Only twenty four percent of the women doctors are happy with their professional carrier. While 28,1 % (that is 583 women doctors) states that they are happy with their professional career yet they neglect their families, 28,1% (that is 582 women doctors) say they are unhappy with their career because they prefer their families. 9,3% of women didn’t have fair opportunities because of being woman   33,7 % (that is 675 women doctors) thinks that “no” opportunities are provided to women doctors so that they can fairly become managers.

7. In your Country, is there any law or collective agreement that is, in your opinion, women or family oriented?   Number % -      No 1104 80,5 -      Yes, National laws (please, report any references Law: 657 and Law:4857……………………………) 244 17,8 Yes, trade union agreements (please, report any references 23 1,7 Total 1371 100 Eighty percent of the women doctors (1104 that is 51,4 %) in the survey said they do not think that there is a law or collective agreement that is woman or family oriented.

conclusion Numbers of the women medicine students and women doctors are increasing. More women benefit from the carrier facilities, especially those who work in the universities. Though it is a third burden, women take part in the board of chambers more according to the old times. Women doctors say that they are subjected to discrimination. They are unable to plan their career as they wish though there is an improvement and increase in awareness in this respect. Responsibilities of family hinders carier of the women, Laws are insufficient for the arrengment of woman oriented work,and trade-unions aren’t authorized to sing collective aggrement, to improve the personel benefits according to the gender equality.