Mercury Impacted Soil Cleanup at a Natural Gas Processing Facility Gilbert J. Van Deventer, REM Trident Environmental PO Box 7624 Midland, Texas
Project Elements l Disposition of 32 mercury manometer gas flow meters stored in the crawl space of an office at a natural gas processing facility in east Texas l Characterization of mercury-impacted soil in crawl space floor l Remediation of mercury-impacted soil in crawl space
Safety Concerns l Mercury vapors inside crawl space exceed permissible exposure limits (PELs) l Confined space entry procedures must be followed l Level B personal protective equipment (PPE) required l Jerome Model 431X mercury vapor analyzer (MVA) used for monitoring
Vapor Exposure Limits for Mercury
Disposition of 32 mercury manometer gas flow meters l Meters were removed from crawl space l Meter components were disassembled l Mercury bearing components placed in 55-gal. steel drums l Meters were shipped to a permitted facility for recycling
Characterization of Mercury Impacted Soil in Crawl Space l Sample grid pattern established in crawl space based on 5- foot centers (same as steel piers supporting office building) l Composite samples from each grid cell collected were screened with an MVA and submitted to the laboratory for total mercury analysis (EPA Method 7471)
Sampling Grid Pattern
Remediation of Mercury Impacted Soil in Crawl Space l Phase 1: Soil removed using hand shovels l Phase 2: Remaining loose soil removed using industrial vacuum l Phase 3: Merconwash TM (1.5 liters ) mercury vapor suppressant and decontamination liquid applied to floor of crawl space l Phase 4: Merconwash TM (10 liters ) mercury vapor suppressant and decontamination liquid applied to floor of crawl space 8 months after initial remediation activities
MVA Readings Prior to Implementation of Remediation
MVA Readings During Implementation of Remediation
MVA Readings After Completion of Remediation
Total Mercury Concentrations After Completion of Remediation
MVA Readings After Application of 10 liters of Merconwash
Summary of MVA Readings
MVA Readings in Office Above Crawl Space